
Warming up the Porch.....

 We have been busy little bee's doing several indoor projects as well as a big outdoor project. Because of that, the front porch did get decked out, but perhaps not as elaborately as I have in the past two years. 
 My wreath could not get more simple. The tin pumpkin face was part of a tin basket that came apart. Instead of throwing it away, I saved the pumpkin and knew I could use it again. So I wired it to the grapevine wreath, added a couple of old numbers (for Halloween) and a strand of berries. Perfect. And perfectly simple! 
 A few Saturday's ago, when one of my big burly sons was home, I asked him if he would help me get all the brown lawn furniture out of the back yard and put all the red and white wicker into the backyard. The Hubs said, "Why? Because the red and white looks way too summery?"  OH MY GOSH.  I told him that was one of the most romantic things he had ever said. He TOTALLY "got it"!!!  haha!!!
 So we swapped things around. I put the big chaise lounge on the front porch, which my son thought "was weird". But I positioned the giant Kimberly fern so that if someone was lounging in the chair, then it would be hard to see them from the street. I thought it worked out well. 
 We will be able to keep the ferns out until almost time to decorate for Christmas, here in Oklahoma. Our cat, Boomer(Sooner), thinks the front porch is all his. I covered that ottoman on two sides with brown burlap. I need to get another piece and cover the other two sides. (It's on my to-do list.) 
 I have had these two twig chairs for over 30 years. They have been hauled around everywhere and used everywhere. They have been used a LOT and are still in great condition. 
 They are made from cypress wood from Louisiana and are a very hard wood. They have never had any bark on them either. I have thought of getting rid of them several times, but I always end up keeping them. 
 The only thing I bought for the fall porch were a couple of mums and several pumpkins. Everything else came from the backyard, the basement or the garage! 

 I thought the minnow bucket with the orange letters deserved a spot on the fall porch as well. It would also look cute holding a mum. 
 When I was back in Kansas a couple of weeks ago, I spent a day at Nell Hills with one of my best friends. It has become an annual trek for us and I love it! This time my mission was to get a couple of wire orbs I had seen on NH's web site. The orbs were sitting right when you walk in the door and I could not wait to grab them up. 
 I think I will go and get some pansies to plant in those old urns. I think they would look cute with the mini pumpkins and the orbs. 
 The best part of the orbs (besides how cute they are), is that they fold completely flat. They are the coolest things! If she has them next year, I will get a couple of the ones with the thicker metal too. 
 Another part of my fall porch is the collection I have of rose rocks. We saved the rocks from various rock walls that were on the property when we moved here. Rose rocks (named because they look like roses) are thought to be 250 million years old. 
 There are only three places in the word where they are formed: one area around Alberta, Canada; Morocco and parts of central and southern Oklahoma. 
 They are formed from sandstone. Some look more "rosey" than others, but when they are all together, it is very apparent what they are. 
 Our porch is one of the long Southern porches that are meant to be used frequently. We divide it up into two parts, no matter what season it is. In this case, I also brought a table a chairs around from the back yard. 
 This old flower pot was my mother-in-laws and is about 40 years old. Chevron chic for decades! (Of course it could be considered Native American in Oklahoma!) 
 My Ikat pillows are outdoor pillows from Pottery Barn clearance a couple of years ago. They also lend themselves well to the fall porch. 

 If I get my big projects done that we are working on, then I might dig deeper into my "fall" crates and see what else I can pull out. 
 Until then, the porch is autumn-color-coordinated and ready to sit and enjoy the cool crisp evenings of fall. 
And here is the summer porch if you would like to see it too! 
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