
The Tables Have Turned

I saw this past weekend where Funky Junk Interiors was having her 199th party. This one featured side tables. Well that is right up my wheelhouse. I love to redo sidetables. 
 I decided to take my top five side table redo's and put them in one simple post. They might just spark an idea for someone else. 
 This little ugly duckling started out like this. I like it for its size and the fact there was a lip around the edge. I had an idea that I thought would work with that edge. 
 And my idea worked perfectly. I used my collection of old letterpress letters and numbers to make a giant collage on the table top. If you go to the original post, you can see a closeup of many of the words and dates that I put into the collage
 I also used an "Oops" paint on the table, so this remake was very cheap. 
 My family is in the newspaper business, so I love that I now have a table with old letterpress pieces. You can pick those old pieces up at flea markets and on Ebay. I got all of my off of Ebay. 
 Isn't it fun to look at? 
 BUT even before I turned it into the fun memory table, I first turned it into a chalkboard table. I actually love this table too, but that lip around the edge is what kept calling me to use the letterpress blocks. 
 I need to find another table with a small lip so I can create another chalkboard table. I think it would be fun to leave "notes" on the table. I simply painted the table top with two coats of chalkboard paint. 
 One other thing I did to this table is that I put these small casters on the legs. I originally did that when I thought the chalkboard table could be moved around places, but even after redoing it again, I kept the casters on. I think it is a fun touch. 
 Which way do you like it best? Collage or Chalkboard? 
 The third table I have to show you started out as a maple Early American style that was in my grandparents living room forever. It is a round table where the top actually can spin. I remember spinning it as a small child many, many times. I used Annie Sloan gray chalkpaint to redo it. 
 I first painted the table all black with regular paint, then I added a coat of the gray chalk paint on top. I chose those colors because I knew that I was going to put that big metal sign on top and the colors all blended well. 
 The big metal sign was a sign from my hometown. In fact the refinery that the sign refers to, was owned by my neighbor. I share the story of this eccentric neighbor in the original post. 
 This idea of putting an advertising sign could work on any table. Mine just happen to match up perfectly. It is still one of my favorite ....and easiest...redo's. 
 Talk about another ugly duckling. I bought this table because of the glass top. I seem to be always have an idea about the tops, huh? 
 In this case, I had a box of athletic chenille's. In this case I got them from the letterjacket salesman that comes to the high school where I worked. I asked him if they had "mistakes" and he assured me they did. I asked him if I could buy them and a couple of days later there was a big box of them in my mail. He gave them to me free. 
 Well obviously, I have no idea they are mistakes. They worked for me!  I have actually used these chenille's in several different projects too. 
 I painted the entire table in Annie Sloan's Red. There was just a small space under the glass, but plenty big enough for a layer of chenille's. Perfect!  This table is now in our game room. In the original post you can see what it looks like under the chenilles as well.
 I think you could put lots of things under that glass even though it is not deep. If I find another one ...or two... I am planning a "map" table (with a few souvenirs) and an old picture blown up and "framed" under the glass. Does that give you any ideas? 
 The last table I made for one of my daughters. I had been wanting to make something houdstoothy. Since this was just a small table, I called it "puppytooth".
 All I did was simply use Annie Sloan Chalk Paint in Old White and Graphite. I used a houndstooth stencil and painted the top. The stencil was small, so it did take a little longer. 
 Some people can draw that on freehand. I would not be one of those people! I hope this gives you some ideas on how to change ugly, cheap tables into fun conversation pieces. I'll bet if I added up how much I spent on five table redo's it would be well under a $100. And that is only counting buying the Annie Sloan paint. If you have ever used that paint you know that you can do a jillion projects with a quart of that paint.
Check out the original posts and I give better details on each project. Have you turned the tables on anything lately? 
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Funky Junk Interiors


  1. Hi Lori, These are all great ideas for transforming a table! Thanks for linking to the Open House party and check out this weeks party to see your post featured. Take care.

  2. Such cool tables! I love the printer blocks top! ~Ann at Tarnished Royalty

  3. All of them great ideas. Those printers blocks are awesome!

  4. P.S. I'm a new follower!

  5. What an awesome table! And so beautifully styled! Fabulous! I just love this, it was a great find and an even greater re-do!

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