
(more) Fool's Gold

 In my on-going quest to de-summerize my house, I worked on the rest of the living room (after I made the new collage wall). 

 It was basically as simple as replacing the red and blue vintage books with warmer colors. I had taken down the antique bunting weeks ago. (Although I failed to get a picture of the toned-down version before I changed it this past weekend.)
 You have to look very closely, but this is really a collection of three old frames. They are all ornate and all shades of gold. When I got the two square ones in the front as a present, I just brought them into the house and propped them on the fireplace
 It was going to be temporary, but there they have sat all summer. I do have plans to take at least two, if not all three of them down soon though. But it involves me getting all three of my sons at home at one time. It also involves some heavy lifting for those boys. No, it is not the frames that are heavy, but some furniture I need them to move around. Once the furniture moves around, then I can move the frames. 
 My mother still does not get my big old empty frames. That's okay though. She asks me about them every time she comes over and I try to explain "the look" every time. She'll be surprised soon with their rearrangement....if I can get my sons here! 
 One thing she does "get" though is my love of books. Old books, new books, ebooks, treasured books. She is the one that passed that love of books on to me. I never have a problem with decorating with old books of any color. As people have passed away in our family, I have become "the keeper of the books". That's a good thing! 
 The old sconces on the fireplace lend their beauty to my love of gold. The best part of their position on the fireplace is how they reflect in the mirror, not only when they are turned on, but the crystals reflect as well.
 Although the mirror is (in my opinion) too big, I do like how it reflects everything we put on the fireplace. For instance, we get to see the binding of the books, and the mellowed old pages. In this picture you can see the three different frames as well. 
 Even though this antique horse (previously weather vane in his old life) is bronze, his patina now is almost an old gold. 
 I have had that horse for almost 35 years and I have found a place for him in every home. For some reason he always seems to be galloping away in his present position. I never notice it until I have taken a dozen or more pictures
 Of course we can't forget my brass table from Egypt. It too is no longer "shiny", but has aged gracefully and even has a little "turquoise" peaking through in places. Perfect. 
So while it is still very hot outside, it is starting to feel warm and cozy inside. It's the time of year when we slow down and appreciate all the little beauty around us. Obviously, it's something we should do everyday, but God's paintbrush is a very vivid reminder as these days slowly turn to fall. 
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Stone Gable TTT


  1. Your home is beautiful and so is your post.
    Thanks for this lovely share.
    Hope to see you on my blog:)

  2. What a beautifully elegant Mantel - love everything about it - but would LOVE to find a horse like that for my daughter's collection!

  3. I am stopping by from Wow Us Wednesday.
    Your home is stunning! I love your gold frames. I laughed out loud when you wrote that your mother doesn't get your empty frames. I have a lot of empty frames as well and it is funny to see people's reaction to them. They don't get it either. ;)
    Have a blessed day. You have a lovely blog. I can't wait to read more.


    1. http://www.ferrytaleshome.blogspot.com

  4. Gorgeous vignette. I love those antique frames, they are stunning and the old books are fabulous too. Beautiful arrangement. I would love for you to link up to my ongoing party - Inspire Me --http://www.astrollthrulife.net/2013/08/179th-inspire-me-tuesday.html Hope to see you there. Hugs, Marty


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