
Summer Makes my Heart Happy!

As a teacher, (whose school gets out mid-May) I look at the calendar that says the end of June is approaching and I know my days of summer are numbered.  And then I say "UGH". Aloud.
Several times. 

 I know. I know. I know. I know ALL about the fact that we are lucky to get summers off.  I readily admit we are lucky to get summers off. Even teachers who have "year round school" still get nice vaca's. 
 I don't want to get in to a debate on how cushy teachers have it. Those debates get me hot. So I'll refrain. But to get back to original thought, because I have to report to school the first week of August, that means my summer is half over. Ugh. 
 The UGH is because I love the easy days of summer. I love the casualness of summer. Even when I had five children with five different summer ball schedules, and five different camps, and five different places to be in one night, I loved the easy-breezy days of summer. 
 I love the warm days. I love the warm breezes. 
 I love the fresh fruits and vegies. I love eating outside almost every meal. 
 I love using red, white and blue throughout my house. 
 I love swimming. I love feeling the hot sun on my skin when I am outside swimming or working in the yard. 
 I love using candles that smell like the beach. The combination of sea and suntan lotion is wonderful! 
 I love summer baseball games and T-ball games. I love the crack of the bat and the language of baseball: Ducks on the pond, small ball, rally caps, can of corn and on deck...just to name a few. 
 I love getting to pick up my grandbabies for the day and babysit. I love playing the role of Gigi for Leightyn and Behr. 
The worst part of summer is that it seems so fleeting. I have such a long list still to do and accomplish. I have to get cracking! My summer is half over! Do you love summer as much as I do? 

1 comment:

  1. I'm right there with you! I have new creative energy in the summer. Check out the project I completed yesterday. :)
    Happy Summer! Jayne
    Smart Kids


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