
Winter's Colors

I took down my flashy Christmas mantel

   and replaced it with a New Years mantel...(Which also served as a solid-week-of-first-of-January-birthdays-we-celebrate.)  Then I packed that away the first half of January and replaced it with calm. 
The New Years-and -first-of-January-birthdays-mantel

It feels so good to be a Simpleton for a while. 
 I rummaged through my dish closet/staging closet and found a variety of pine cones. I also pulled some old children's books off my shelves to add as well. 
 Without even purposely meaning to, I built a mantelscape of browns and grays and beige and a little moss green. 
 I knew I was picking all those colors, but I did not realize until I saw the pictures on the computer, that those are the colors of our winter right now. It is SO dry in Oklahoma that everything is brown and gray.  And yes, we even have some mossy green. It has been so mild, that not everything green even turned for the winter. It did dull up though because of the intense drought. Even the twig balls are representative of our dry, crispy winter.
 My collection of pine cones are all Wal-Mart specials, except for the large white ones. Those are from Kohl's several years ago at 90% off. Grouped together the wax-candle-pinecones, the faux-mercury pinecones and the faux-whatever-the-finish-is-pinecones don't look too bad. 
 The other great thing about pinecones is that they can take you through Fall decorating, into and out of Christmas and still have them setting out for just plain 'ole wintertime. 
 Plain 'ole dull and dry wintertime....like I said. 
 Let me just say that winter's colors look much better inside my house than outside my house. 
 And because I still had twig balls and faux pinecones, pedestals, orbs and spheres to spare, I set some out on the table by the front door. 
 The weatherman said tonight that we have a great chance for a significant snow early next week. It is so bad here that this I-hate-snow-more-than-anything-gal is hoping and praying that we do get a big snow. 
 Not only do we need every single drop of any kind of moisture we can get, but then the outside of my house will look as pretty as winter's colors do on the inside of my house. 
Pray hard for that moisture, Okie friends!...And anyone else that wants to pray for us! 
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  1. Beautiful decorations! I sure hope that you get some snow or rain soon! Hugs, Leena

  2. Please add your southern neighbors to that list....
    We are parched in Texas too :^(
    You mantle is great!! I have some of those "half" browny/purpley/mercury glassy pinecones too...we must have hit the same sale :^)
    Blessings to you,

  3. Please add your southern neighbors to that list....
    We are parched in Texas too :^(
    You mantle is great!! I have some of those "half" browny/purpley/mercury glassy pinecones too...we must have hit the same sale :^)
    Blessings to you,


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