
Table Top Thoughts

At the beginning of Fall I found a table on Craigslist that looked like 
a perfect candidate for a little project I had cookin' in my head.

 The table was only $15, so I figured I would get it and try out my idea. I sent my daughter to get the table and she came home with two tables. So, the deal was even sweeter. (I'll show the other table and its make-over later.) 
 Sad little ugly-duckling, wasn't she? 

 I had a can of "oops" paint from Lowe's that was a turquoise. It kind of made me think of "school-rooms-in-the-70's-kind-of-turquoise". Perhaps that's why I was drawn to it. ...That and the fact it was only $5!  So I bought it. 
 When it went on, it had more of a green tint than I was expecting. Not that I didn't like it, but it was not as bluesy as the Annie Sloans I had been using. So I slathered some "oops" beige on first, then the "oops schoolroom-in-the-70's turquoise".  It was beginning to look better. I still was not sold though. 
 I kept the frame around the top the "oops beige". Then I decided to paint the very top black. I painted it regular black to begin with, then I went back over it with black chalkboard paint. 
 Then I had the brilliant thought to add baby casters to it. Really. Aren't those the cutest size? Now I can push it around anywhere. It will make the perfect game table.
 Since I still was not sold on the color of the table, I added Minwax paste wax in a dark brown
 I gooked it on then buffed it off...making sure to leave some in all the right places. 
 Then there was still the matter of that top. After all, the project I bought it for initially was because of the "framed" top. I had a big idea for the top. 
 Then I imagined my sweet Leightyn loving the table-top chalkboard...Not to mention the fact she could push the table wherever she wanted to. So I left it. 
 But every day when I see the table I just keep thinking about that idea. Hmmmm. 
Should I or shouldn't I? 
 The table sits in our second den. Or office. Or study. Or whatever you call the room we can't decide on a name for. It is the room where I read or get on the computer. The dogs have their toys in here. There is a TV in here that I have yet to turn on. (I'm a book and computer kind of girl). There are lots of homages in this room to my love of letters......
 So I might as well show you. My big idea that I am still mulling involves lots and lots of wooden letterpress blocks. I think that table would be perfect. And just in case you didn't know, my family has been in the newspaper business for over 100 years. Now you see where I am coming from. Hmmmm....
 So...should I or shouldn't I??? 


  1. I like both idea but I vote for WORD MAZE! I think it would have so much personality! Please post what you decide when it's done! Hugs, Leena

  2. Anonymous2/06/2013

    I vote for the WORD MAZE, too. And I vote for making the second table you got with this one the chalkboard top for your grandbaby. She can write her first word there.
    Suggestion for the name of your 2nd den: Lori's Playroom. :)

  3. Word maze..so unique but I also love the chalkboard top idea too. Great ideas..come link up to Centerpiece Wed and share this idea with us.

  4. i wouldve had to drag her home too cuz i actually think she was even beautiful to start with! great conversation piece!

    stopping by via MMS and hope and welcome you to come hang out on my blog whenever you get a free moment and feel like dreamin a little bit. http://hellolovelyinc.blogspot.com

    smiles to you.


  5. Wow! This table is stunning! AMAZING job! xo


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