
Pineapple Cream Pie

I promised to post recipes for the holidays and I have been VERY remiss about doing so. 
Which is ironic.
Because I cook all the time.
But when I think about "hmmm, this would be a good post", then the food is half gone.
Or not arranged for a picture.
Such is the life of this 
Pineapple Creme Pie...
but you are getting the recipe anyway.
Because it is that good. 

I have shared this recipe before, but it is worth sharing again. And then sharing with your friends. And friends of your friends. 

I always make this for holidays. It doesn't matter what time of year it is, I make this. And I make it randomly throughout the year. I have a tradition when cooking during the holidays of using old-school recipes. I like to use my Grammie's recipes and my Grandmother's recipes. I like to use my Mother's recipes. I like to use recipes from the women of the church where I grew up. Many of them are now gone, but as I make the recipe I always think back to my memories of these wonderful women and I say an individual prayer for each of those women and the impact they had on my life. 
I cannot say enough how important all the women mentioned above have been to me on helping to form my values.
There are not enough prayers of thanksgiving!

Such is the owner of the 
Pineapple Creme Pie recipe.
She called it Pineapple Chiffon Pie. 
Ruby was not only my across-the-street-neighbor, she was the grandmother of my best friend.
I spent many a meal at Ruby's lunch table.
I hope she knows how much I enjoyed that.
When I lived in Kansas no one had ever heard of Pineapple Cream (or Pineapple Chiffon) pie. I was glad to share the recipe with them. It always won them over once they made it. I like to think that there are hundreds of people out there eating Pineapple Cream (or Chiffon) pie because of Ruby. She would have enjoyed that.

Besides making the wonderful pineapple pie, I also try to be like Ruby when it comes to feeding others. She never knew how many of the neighborhood children would show up at her (hot) lunch each day. But she never seemed to mind. She always had plenty. She always expected us to come back. Again and again. I hope that is the kind of hostess, friend and neighbor. I promise you if you try Ruby's Pineapple Cream (or Chiffon) pie, you will LOVE it. And you will understand why I thank God every time I make it that He put Ruby into my life. 

Ruby's Pineapple Cream (or Chiffon) Pie

1 pie crust--already baked
1 1/2 C. milk
2 T. (heaping) flour
3/4 C. drained crushed pineapple (I just basically use the whole can)
3/4 C. sugar
2 eggs separated

Put milk on to heat. Mix sugar and flour together. Add this to the hot milk, stirring constantly and well.
Stir in beaten egg yolks.
Stir constantly, so the yolks stay smooth.
Bring to a soft boil and continue until the mixture thickens.
This will take about 7 minutes. (although with my new gas oven it is very quick!) 
Believe me, the end result is worth it. Keep stirring...or whisking (which is what I use).
Remove from heat and add drained pineapple.
Stir. While this mixture is cooling,
beat the egg whites until thick and frothy.
FOLD in the egg whites. (The FOLDing is important so the pie stays light and fluffy).

Pour into baked pie crust.
Refrigerate until cool.
Before serving top with Whipped Cream.

Sit back and enjoy....and thank me...and Ruby!

Linking with:
On the Menu Monday
Thistlewood Farm Recipes
Foodie Friday
Wow Us Wednesday
Open House Thursday


  1. I am SO making this tomorrow! My husband has tqalked about pineapple cream pie for years but I'd never heard of it and our local pie shop doesn't make it. I found a recipe once but it wasn't as user friendly as your recipe is! I'm sure he will love it! Thanks for sharing! Hugs, Leena

  2. Lo, your post was so sweet! I miss Grandmother so much. She was the sweetest person that I know. I am glad that you enjoyed the many, many times we ran in and out of her house! We were so blessed, weren't we? The things that we took for granted are the ones that make the best memories.
    Merry Christmas!

  3. You had me at pineapple! Thanks so much for sharing this fun recipe! It looks easy and fun (which is totally perfect for me)!

    Have a wonderful and Merry Christmas,

  4. This looks so delicious--I will look for a chance to try it soon! Thank you for sharing it with us!

  5. Oh YUM! I love cream pies and I love pineapple :) Amanda @ the-taste-tester.com

  6. Anonymous12/24/2012

    Funny Grandmother called it Pineapple Chiffon in that cookbook. I just remember her calling it Pineapple Cream. :) She sure made good pie. She liked to EAT good pie, too, so that makes sense, doesn't it? Nobody can cook like she did. Not many even try.
    I'm with Lisa. I miss her sooooooo much!

  7. This is a wonderful post- a combination of food, recipes, and memories cannot be beat.
    I am a new follower and am off to read more.

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