
Sowing the Seeds....

When we lived in Kansas for 17 years, we lived smack in the middle of God's farmland. I say that because only God could create the beauty of the farm fields we got to see on a daily basis. 
The area we lived in is apparently considered some of the best soil in all of America. Believe me it showed each year in the spring as the farmers planted, in the summer as the crops grew, and in the fall with the bountiful harvests. There was corn as far as the eye could see. There were fields of soybeans. There were beautiful waving wheat fields and of course, the fields of Kansas sunflowers. 

While we lived in Kansas we got to know a couple that owned an auction company. The gentleman was a farmer by day and an auctioneer by night and weekend. We loved going to their auctions, as the man had such a wonderful sense of humor while auctioning and the woman was as sweet as they come. 

We went to auctions frequently, as they were often held at the National Guard Armory, which was just a few blocks from our house. We were one of those couples that were willing to wait out what we wanted. Sometimes that might mean that we were at the auction the better part of (usually on a ) Saturday. During a Kansas winter, that was an enjoyable way to spend the day. Almost always the concession stand at the auction was sponsored by some church group....Which meant there was ALWAYS homemade pie made by those Kansas farmers wives! My taste buds are salivating as I just think about it! 
Once you get to know an auctioneer, let me just say, it gets easier to get what you really want at an auction. The auctioneer knows the regulars. He knows what they like. He knows what they will bid up to. Sometimes he sweetens the pot by throwing something else in with the item you are bidding on. Sometimes he just auctions so fast that if you're ready, and fast enough, he's got it so you get what you want! 
Then there is all that stuff at the end. By that time most of the people are gone. There are just a few faithful still bidding. LOTS of stuff gets lumped together. Believe me, it is NOT all junk at the end. And if it IS junk, it is usually the kind of junk that I really like. 
Such was the case of when these cute little vials came up for auction. There were a couple of cigar boxes crammed with these little glass vials. Each vial has a galvanized lid. Each vial has seeds. Each vial has written in that wonderful old-school hand-writing what kind of seed is in the vial. In addition, there were some empty vials. There was also a cigar box filled with miniature (about an inch square) envelopes (home-made of course). Each had a (rusty) paper clip keeping the (pseudo) envelope together, and once again with the old-school hand-writing telling what seeds were inside. 
Well in the Land of Farmers, no body was really interested in the boxes of vials and (pseudo) envelopes...except for me and my neighbor. I mean, really, what were the chances?  She and I always wanted the same things! I am sure all the farmers thought it was crazy anyone wanted old seed vials.
On the other hand, I was crazy for the vials!
So I bid and I won. I got the boxes of old vials for a couple of dollars. I also got the box of (pseudo) seed envelopes thrown in. I gave my neighbor the box of (pseudo) envelopes. Believe me, they were cool too. I kept the vials.
I have had them on display ever since. In one form or another. Remember, this was WAY before it was "cool" to love "junk". I guess that makes me "cool" before cool was cool. 
They have been picked up a kajillion times. They are great conversation pieces. People always try to read all the writings on each label. They turn them over trying to examine each type of seed. My only rule is that no one can open a vial!  I want to preserve them just as they are!!! 
Sometimes they are lined up on a shelf. Sometimes they are in a crock. Sometimes they are in votive holders in a galvanized holder. Sometimes they are in baskets. It just depends. 
They are 2 inches of interesting. 

They are a reminder to us of the Kansas farmers we got to know. They are a reminder of the little piece of paradise where we got to raise our children. 
They are a reminder that seeds are indeed important. It might not be corn, or beans, or wheat seeds that are of significance. But the seeds remind us of other seeds: seeds of learning, seeds of compassion, seeds of love, seeds of friendships and seeds that grow roots. That is what we found in the little Kansas town where we raised our children. 
The $2 boxes of two-inch glass and galvanized bottles are just the tangible reminder of seeds we grew in Kansas. ...
Linking with WOW Us Wednesday


  1. This is just way too cool! What a lovely remembrance of times gone by. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Kansas has long been my least favorite state - partly due to a long ago day-trip that turned into a snowed-in week - but reading about your love for it gives me a little twinge of desire to visit again. The vials are wonderful!


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