
My Checkered Past revisited!

 I am desperately trying to get this posted while it is still August 1st! I took the  COPY CAT challenge of Debbie to show something we have made that we copied..............only the twist was, we had to have copied it from another blogger. What better person to copy from than Miss Mustard Seed herself? 
 We both started out with Chinese checker boards. I got mine for $1, and she paid $2 for hers. 
 I made my Copy Cat checkerboard back in August of 2010. We lived in a different house at the time. This picture is from the original post. The computer screen shows the checkerboard from Miss Mustard Seed's site (May 2010). Even two years ago, I was proud of my copy!!  

 I painted the checkerboard with cheapo bottles of acrylic paints. That was before Chalk Paint had arrived on the scene!

 Last July (2011) I brought the checkerboard into another room and layered it with different star pictures and a small star for the red/white and blue summer season. I have told you before how I love to decorate for the 4th of July. We had only been in our new home about a month. 

 This year (July 2012), I used the checkerboard once again. This time it was the base for my red/white and blue arrangement on the dining room table. It works out great for 4th decorating apparently! 
 I had not really thought about the fact that I used it last year too, until I was pulling pictures for this post. It just "shows to go 'ya" that if you have something you love, you can use it many different ways to decorate!

 Usually, the checkerboard just hangs out on a wall in the den. It hangs underneath a giant "5" woodpress. (This picture was taken this week.) There is a little red child's chair with a "3" pillow sitting up against the checkerboard. 

 If I ever run across another one, I would quickly scoop it up (if the price were right) and make yet another revised star. 
You just never know when it is a good thing to proudly tell everyone that it is indeed a good thing to be a Copy Cat! 
Linking up with 


  1. When I read "YOUR" blog about this, I quickly thought, "Hey, I have one of those!" and copied your copy!!! Mine looks just like yours...with the red and white...but ya know, a black and orange one would look even better!!! haha!

  2. :D LOVE using game boards in decorating. Great copycat!

    Linking from Debbiedoo's,
    Ricki Jill

  3. Lori this in awesome copy cat! It really rocks and I am sure you would make Miss Mustard seed proud!~ Thanks so much for sharing with the copy cat party.

  4. I LUV this copy cat. It looks so amazing and I sure am gonna be looking for one, too. I love it.
    Over from DD's Challenge.


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