
Her Name Is Lola--Tell All Tuesday

 Does your family name inanimate objects at your house? Usually it is something that is hard-working. Like a car, "Come on Bessie ...you can make it to the gas station without running out." Or washing machines, "Let's go Mildred. You've can do another load." 
 Well our family does that too. Remember last week when I showed you the old wardrobe that we came 'oh-so-close' to getting rid of? Well right beside the wardrobe stands Lola. And Lola is looking FINE. 
 Lola is really a-hundred-plus-old lace slip that belonged to my Hubby's grandmother....Lola. When we were helping to clean out her house after her death we ran across it. The slip has been a part of our family ever since. For many years it hung on a pretty decorative hanger in my girls room(s). 
 Then last year on my birthday, my mother gave me the black iron mannequin. I knew immediately what I would do with it. Lola came off the hanger and transformed into a lace beauty. Perhaps they have heard this story through the years, or maybe they made it up, but my girls like to imagine that this is the slip that (the real) Lola wore under her dress when she married her husband. We like to think it is true. 
 Lola's condition is very fragile. In fact I need to get some thread and "darn that Lola" in several places. I think that is a good project for a chilly night this fall or winter. In the meantime, Lola's tiny waist and ample bosom and hips are accentuated on the mannequin. Usually I keep the simple black draping from Lola's neck.
 But for the month of July, Lola got to wear her patriotic side. I have an antique bunting given to me by a former student. I simply draped it across Lola's chest and pinned it with a (faux) old brooch. 
 Lola did not go far, but she did get to come out of our room for a month. She (very proudly) stood in front of the patriotic gallery wall that is in the hallway right outside our room. 

 She looked stunning. 
(Yes,  I promise to 'darn that Lola'.)

 She did not even seem to mind that her brooch was nothing more than a cheap imitation. You know older "people" like Lola are especially proud of our great country. She was just proud to be decked in the red, white and blue. 

 This is looking out of our room into the hallway. See she was not far away. 
Don't you love the wavy glass in the old french doors?

(By the way, that is not a hole there on the side. That is where the slip "hook and eyes" up the side.)
Now Lola is back in our room. Bejeweled once again with her simple cross. Three things Lola is, for sure: Patriotic, Godly and Beautiful. And now you know, that at our house, we name inanimate objects! 
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  1. Lola IS beautiful -- mo matter how she's draped or pinned!

  2. Lola is really pretty! I just love those old vintage garments. When I was a teenager, my dance instructor, who collects vintage garments had three of us girls do a tap dance routine for our recital in vintage wedding gowns-from around the turn of the century. We each had different color pastel cumberbunds around our waists and white tap shoes. It was so fun to think of the women that wore those gowns on their very special days. I love that history!

  3. I love lola. That is really beautiful lace. I have a link party on Wednesdays, and I would love it if you would link this post. It is called Wednesdays Adorned From Above Link Party.
    I hope to see you there. Have a great Day.
    Debi Bolocofsky
    Adorned From Above

  4. I think it is adorable that your family names things. My car used to have an old truck he called Bessie. :) Beautiful lace.


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