
Tell All Tuesday--with Leightyn

Last week Fielding met me with baby Leightyn at my parents house. We spent part of the afternoon in the pool. Leightyn loves the water and instantly starts kicking! 
She is blue-eyed and fair-headed so we kept her covered in sunblock and a cute little hat. (I thought I would throw that in there, because people that know me probably assume I just put her out to tan...like me!) Nope, never!! 
I have been getting to keep her about once or twice a week this summer. Leightyn's mama is an ER nurse and her daddy is a paramedic/firefighter. Kelly (her mama) has to work 12 hour shifts at the hospital. Fielding (her daddy) works 24 hour shifts at the fire-station. So a couple of times a week I drive to the hospital where Kelly works and pick up Miss Leightyn at  6:30 in the morning. Then I have to have her back at 7:30 that night. It makes for a wonderful day with the sweet baby.
The only negative is that the hospital where Kelly works is over an hour away!  But since I only get to keep her in the summer (or maybe school weekends????), it is no problem!  I bought her some "football" leggings at a craft show last week. Taylor and I were trying them on to see if they fit. I can't wait to see them on her this fall with some cute little
 Sooner outfit! 
At the Fourth of July at my parent's house, there was another baby girl, Reese. It was funny to watch the girls watch each other. Leightyn just jabbered away, like she was talking to Reese.

One day Luke drove with me to pick up Leightyn bright and early. Leightyn usually will sleep for an hour or so once we get home from picking her up. On this particular morning, the early-morning-wakeup-call was too much for Luke. He went to sleep when we got home and so did Miss Leightyn on Uncle Luke. Then Abe had to jump up on the back of the couch and sleep too. He put his paw on Luke's shoulder as he napped with them. I thought it was Abe's way of saying...."Hey, buddy, don't forget about me!!!"

And of course if I have Leightyn, I have to take pictures. I like dressing her up and surprising her mom and dad with the pictures I take. She is at the roly-poly stage and it is very hard to get pictures of her before she flips over! This summer has been so fun having Leightyn around. I can hardly wait till next summer when she will really be on the go!

1 comment:

  1. Awww...she is so cute!! The pics a great! Reese is pretty cute too! We are blessed!


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