
Spasagna. Yes, Spasagna!

 Spasagna---Have you ever had it?  Have you ever made it?  It's what you get when spaghetti and lasagna get married. And reproduce.
When I say reproduce, just know that this recipe makes a big 'ole pan. But don't expect any leftovers. It is that good. In fact when I was typing this post, my son Luke walked by and said, "Hmmm. That's good. Will you make it tonight?"  To which I answered, "We just had it last week."  To which he said, "That doesn't matter. It's that good."  Take that as expert knowledge of the subject!!
 To create this deliciousness you will need these three (plus) ingredients: A big bowl of noodles.
 Your cheeses and creams. 
 Your meat sauce.
 IF you can't figure this picture out, it is the noodles combined with the cheeses and creams, before the top layer of meat sauce is put on. It is really that simple. 
 And the finished product. After it has baked. 
 I got the recipe from a local restaurant chain called "Cheddars".  In the recipe they bake the noodle/cheese layer then layer on the meat sauce when serving. Honestly, I have done it that way as well (the first time I make it). After that, I just layer the meat layer on top and bake it. I like it better that way. You can do it however you feel like doing it. I give you my permission!

 Baked Spasagna:
1 1/2 lbs spaghetti noodles, uncooked
 2 lbs mozzarella cheese
 8 ounces ricotta cheese (you can use cottage cheese if you prefer)
 8 ounces sour cream
 1 1/2 cups half-and-half 
1/2 cup whipping cream (I added this and ONLY do this, if I have some in my fridge. It can be left out.)
1 cup shredded cheddar (again, this is a preference at our house and can be eliminated)
1 cup grated parmesan cheese, divided

 1 Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

 2 Cook spaghetti al dente according to package directions. Rinse under cold water and drain. Place in large mixing bowl.

 3 In another mixing bowl, stir together sour cream, ricotta, half-and-half, mozzarella, and half the Parmesan cheese. (Also if you add the whipping cream and cheddar add it here (only add half the cheddar). 

 4 Add above cheese mixture to the spaghetti.  Mix gently until spaghetti is evenly coated with mixture.

 5 Spray a 9x13 glass baking dish. (I use olive oil spray, but any could be used).

. 6 Gently place spaghetti mixture into prepared dish. Top with remaining Parmesan cheese.

 7 Cover dish with aluminum foil and bake at 350 degrees in pre-heated oven for 30 minutes. 
(I am putting this out, as Cheddar's does their recipe. BUT remember, that I always just layer the meat sauce on at this point. Then I add the remaining cheddar and more parmesan on top of the meat sauce and bake according to the same directions.) 

8 Remove from oven, remove foil and place dish on cooling rack for 10 minutes.

 9 Cut into squares and top with meat sauce below, or your favorite meat or marinara sauce. 

Meat Sauce: 

I just make the same meat sauce I always make for spaghetti. Again, I consider this your own preference. I will say that for my big pan of Spasagna, I always use at least 2 pounds of hamburger meat as the base.

I hope you enjoy this. It is an excellent supper for a family gathering or company's coming! 

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  1. I absolutely can't wait to try this!

  2. Yummy! My family will love this!

  3. This recipe looks so good!!! The pictures are making me hungry! I searched your blog for a recipe for Meat Sauce, but couldn't find one. Do you have one to share? Thanks!

    1. Honestly, I use the easiest meat sauce ever. I brown several pounds of hamburger meat (then drain it). To that I add a can of Hunt's spaghetti sauce. (Whatever flavor I have in the pantry). (We personally do not like Ragu. Otherwise I by what is cheapest.) If I have it, I add a packet or two of dry spaghetti sauce mix. (Found where you would by taco seasoning, dry gravy mix, etc.) If I don't have that, no biggie. I just add more spices. I always use garlic salt, onion salt, and hot red peppers (I use those three things in everything!!). Just season to taste. OH...I almost forgot, you need to add a can of water to the mix too, to make it not so thick. Just make it how you like it, but that is the basis of what I do. Super easy. LL

  4. Anonymous7/30/2012

    I wonder if you could make it in the slow cooker, Lori? Everything is pretty much cooked when it's put together, so making it slow might work! (And it would keep my house cooler. I HATE THIS HEAT!)
    Small Town Susan

    1. I think you probably could. But I would put a layer of meat sauce down, then the noodles, then more meat sauce. I have made regular lasagna in the crock pot before and it was wonderful. L

  5. This looks wonderful and sounds like something my family and my "students" would enjoy. Would it be ok for me to share this with my cooking classes...it would be an interesting dish to make in one of our flexipans.
    Jane (artfully graced)

    1. You are welcome to use the recipe however you see fit. Enjoy!!

  6. Talk about YUMMY!!! I made this tonight and only made 1/2 a recipe and it made a giant 9 by 13 pan full and I REALLY followed the recipe (pretty close..I add a box full of sliced fresh mushrooms to the sauce!)So you must make TWO GIANT pan fulls!! Yum again! :)

    1. I know. It makes a huge amount....And is always gone at our house. We raise beasts here! ha! Glad you liked it.

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