
Rescuing the Barn

When we moved from Kansas to Oklahoma four years ago, it was quite an ordeal. We had lived in our big Victorian for 17 years. Our five children had spent all their formative years there. The house had two complete stories, a full attic (accessible by stairs from the second floor) and a full basement. While all this room lent itself to a wonderland to play in while growing up, it also allowed us to accumulate stuff. And when you have five children you tend to "collect". 

Not only that, but I tend to be the hoarder and Hubby tends to be the "thrower". (As in throw it away.....Unless of course it has to do with anything sporty or ball!)
Such was the case of this little barn.
Hubs threw it away in Kansas while we were packing up.
I saved it.(secretly)
I could picture Fielding (now 30) playing with that for hours with a little tractor and animals.
It stayed in the garage for three years after the move to Oklahoma. That's okay, still better than the trash!
When we moved to the new (old) house last year, the barn got to come in doors. Then it sat in its well-played-with-patina. That was fine with me, but I figured I could make it a little more presentable. (Back view above)
So I painted the barn red and the roof black (using chalkboard paint). That way if Leightyn or any (future) grandchildren want to write on it with chalk, then so be it!
My family has a farming operation where we raise wheat and cattle which is called "Ferguson Farms". I had a kazillion black letters that have little pins on the back. I decided to try it out, and I liked it. Yes, I realize it is black on black (as my children pointed out) but I like it!
The whole paint and letter job took less than 30 minutes. It was just something fun to do one day after school. I have it sitting in our study, next to a little hand-carved horse I got in Cherokee, North Carolina.
I hung these two pics behind the table where the barn sits. The first sign is an antique advertising sign and the bottom sign actually came from one of the oil wells on one of the farms. I liked the way it all tied in together.
And yes, I realize many would find these signs odd to 
hand in a home!
Oh well!!!!
A quick, cute little project.
A barn saved!!!
Now it's ready for the next generation of farmers!
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  1. Oh my goodness that little barn is adorable and what a transformation with the red paint!!

  2. That is just adorable. I love the whole farm theme..and that wood horse is something I would like!


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