
Home of the Brave

Memorial Day weekend does not get past too many people without a good BBQ or picnic. Unfortunately though, too often the weekend becomes only about food and water and fun.  I made a little outdoor tablescape that brings the "Let's kick off summer" fun to the table as well as a way to remember what Memorial Day really stands for: honoring those that have passed, and especially honoring those that so bravely served our country.
The centerpiece is a 
flag bowl.
Mine was a gift, but I have seen
some this year in stores.
I put a smaller bowl inside my flag bowl
to hold my picture clips.
I also stuffed the smaller bowl with
paper towels to help support all the 
flags I used to circle the bowl.
The red and blue garland is just
kind of wrapped around the top
so no one could see
the way I rigged everything up!
It all stayed together without any problem!

The two pictures above are closeups of how the
centerpiece looks at different levels....
Lots of poignant pictures and memories
and you can't see all the stuff in the middle of the 
bowl keeping it all together!

I have mentioned before about 
going through an old trunk in my grandparent's basement with my cousins....
As we are bravely scavenging the contents
we find a nest of baby mice. Alive.
Oh my gosh.
I hate mice dead or alive.
This was the only time in my life where a mouse
was involved that I 
bravely soldiered on (did you like how I used the military reference?).
ONLY because I was fascinated
by the contents of that trunk did I keep looking.
That is where I got all the postcards and many of the 
pictures of my grandparents.
I love, love, love the link I have
to their correspondence with each other 
during WWI.
The pictures of my other grandfather were also
rescued from the trash after he threw them away.
No mice there tho!
I also love, love my
little collection of Barclay soldiers.
They were sold between the two world wars
for a nickle a piece, as children's toys.
Just Google up Barclay soldiers and look at the images.
They are so much fun.
There is a definite personality to each soldier.
They are made out of metal.
I have a cousin that has a huge collection of these, of which 
I am very jealous!
The star plate, blue bowls, red glasses and kitchen-towels-turned-napkins are all from the Dollar Tree.
I just layered them with my red plates and
some blue placemats I already had.

My dad, my father-in-law, both of my grandfathers, ALL of my uncles and many of my cousins have served
in different branches of the military.
We have someone(s) representing every war.

I think it is very important for my
children to know the stories of their
relatives that served our country.

This tablescape makes it easy to pass on those stories.
The best part is, when there is food involved, 
people are willing to sit around and talk
and remember
and eat.
And especially honor those we love.
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1 comment:

  1. You brave girl to keep on even with the mice!!! Loved seeing all the pics and postcards. The toy soldiers are FABULOUS, I have never seen them before! Great tablescape. Have a great weekend. XO, Pinky


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