
Hello Wonderful, Beautiful, Spectacular May!

Did you think that I had disappeared for good?
Ahhh, it is good to be back....because that means that I am 
through with the busy, stressful testing that has become
the springtime norm in our school systems.
Enough about that. 

I was looking through my pictures and I realized
I had never put up pictures of the baby shower
my daughters and nieces gave for Leightyn.
And it was way too cute not to share!!

The girls threw a "Bun in the Oven" shower to celebrate Leightyn's impending birth.
(Yes, that makes these pictures almost two months old. I am so lame!!)

My daughter Annie and her fiance' made the cute little "oven" that was the center of the food table. 
Annie saw a similar oven on the internet and she copied it.
But the cute and easy part is that Annie used a cardboard box instead of building it out of wood!
The "L" is of course for "Leightyn". 

The swirly sugar cookies are supposed to look like cinnamon buns. We tried to make a lot of the food fit the idea of a "bun" in the oven!!

You would never know the oven is really cardboard instead of wood if I had not told you, would you? It looked that good in real life too!!

Not everything was starchy! We did serve fruit and veggies too!
That just does not sound as fun, 
"Fruit in the oven."
"Cheese in the oven."
Definitely cuter with "Bun in the oven"!

We used the wire cooling racks around the oven to make it look like oven racks. They were the perfect size. We also left some of the "buns" in the aluminum pans we cooked them in, to put them on top for looks too. 

The centerpiece of each table were various cardboard baby themed pictures, in a "vase" of diapers around scrapbook paper holding them together. The girls threw in a little pink Easter grass  to carry on baby girl everything!

Kelly, who is no longer pregnant, and about 40 pounds lighter will just kill me for putting this picture up. But it is so cute of Kelly and the hostesses. By the way, my little niece, Caroline, does not wear glasses. She just thought she looked so "cool" with those on and wore them all day! ha! She is a fashionista for sure! My daughters are in the pink. My daughter in law is the one that is very pregnant in the pic. (Leightyn was born a few days later). And my two cute nieces are the other two girls. 

I ordered these little tiny pink ovens for the party too. We had them on various tables as well as sprinkled throughout the food. They were very cute, just very little. They also had Leightyn's name on them as the oven's name brand. That was a cute touch. I ordered them off of Etsy.

One cute idea the girls set up was a station for each guest to make Leightyn cute bows or bows with headbands. The girls supplied all that would be needed, and it was up to each guest to design the bow.

By the end of the shower, young and old alike had made Miss Leightyn bows. It was such a fun idea!

The shower was held in a room at the library in the town where Fielding, Kelly and Leightyn live. The girls and I had to haul all the party stuff down and decorate, party and clean up within a certain amount of time! 
Another cute idea the girls used was to string a clothes line
in the back of the room and the clothes that 
Leightyn's aunts and Gigi had been buying
were hung up there.

There were all forms of "buns" everywhere and of course, PINK was everywhere too. It was such a fun day, with cute decor and wonderful food. 

More proof that with a little bit of ingenuity and work, simple showers can become super showers!
I am linking to Tablescape Thursday, Wow Us Wednesday and Open House Thursday. Check them all out!


  1. Anonymous5/03/2012

    This is a great idea! I especially like the headband idea. I once gave a gift of several outfits and put them on a clothesline in a basket and the honoree had to pull them out and they came out on the string and stretch across the room! So much fun for the mom to be!
    Connie Barnes

  2. I second demotion of the headband too. So cute. I never seen this like b4 in real life. As Asian living in Sweden, woooooh! What a big difference. Swedes unfortunately, celebrate anything apart from their Midsummer & Wilpurgis Night.

    Love the whole concept. Great job girls...

    Happy TS & have a great w/end.


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