

One day in the early spring
we were having a 
couple of friends 
over to eat.

 I pulled out the Blue Willow and other blue and white pieces we have collected over the years
to put together a quick welcoming table.

 All the pieces, except for a few Blue Willow pieces have been bought at auctions over the years. The exception to the rule is a stash of Blue Willow my mom bought for me in Europe. (It (obviously!!) is second (or third or fourth!!) hand too, just not purchased at auctions).

 I pulled out yellow place mats and napkins that we received as wedding gifts. That makes them pretty darn close to being antiques! ha!
The blue crystal are wedding gifts as well.

 My Blue Willow is all from different years, eras, and places, which makes it a wonderful blue and white smorgasbord. The big octagon shaped plate is part of an incomplete set we bought at a Kansas auction. We got about 50 pieces for $12. It is one of my favorites! The back of the plate has a picture of Independence Hall and a bunch of stars. It says "Independence Ironstone" by Castleton China....and then Made in Japan!! (What!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????????????????)

 Since it was springtime I pulled out my blue and white new (as in 7 or 8 years ago new) pitcher and filled it with red and yellow tulips for contrast. And since I had the cute pitcher with cows, I added in my own hand-carved (very rustic) cows I bought in Switzerland when I was 17!!

 Isn't this the cutest pitcher? I love the blue and white and cows. The cows had to come home....!
I purchased this at Nell Hill's in Atchison, Kansas.

 I had several squares of the faux grass that I use at Easter (or golf tablescapes...or football tablescapes...or cow tablescapes!), so I put it on the middle of the table for the cows to graze. 

 Since I had out my blue and white, I had to add my blue and white creamer cow to guard the dessert napkins. He was glad to be out of the china hutch too.

Really, a tablescape could not get easier to put together quickly. It was just perfect for a spring afternoon.


  1. This is one of my favorite tables this week. I love the blue with the butter yellow, and all of your accessories are just perfect on there.

  2. Gorgeous blue and white table, I do love this combo so much and better, with yellow! I love the little cow and the pretty elements in your table. Lovely. HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY.

  3. This is just too adorable! Your friends must have loved this warm and inviting table. Blue and white is so comforting and speaks of friendship when set like this; plus the cows add a a certain fun quality to the table.

  4. All of your blue and white china is just gorgeous. I especially love that pitcher and the little cow creamer. Yellow is such a pretty color to use with it. I just bought some yellow and blue placemats and napkins at a yard sale. They are beautiful and have never been used. Unfortunately, I do not have any blue and white china.

  5. A very pretty table but of course I'm a big fan of anything blue and white -- love the tulips and the placemats with your blue and white!

  6. Your tablescape is just beautiful, love the Blue Willow. Each and every piece is just lovely and especially the pitcher and cow creamer. It is all gorgeous with your yellow contrast. Excellent!!

  7. I love blue willow as well. I like the pairing with your touches of yellow. I have those same mini grapevine wreathes that I use for napkin ring holders too. Seems we have much in common.

    Susan and Bentley


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