
Ode to the Frog on Leap Day

I could not help myself. I just had to make a "Leap" day tablescape with my cute little frog I got two weeks ago. 

There is absolutely nothing about me that is 'froggy'. 
I cannot think of any other frog-anything I have ever owned.
Yet two weeks ago when I was in Kansas at Nell Hill's, 
my friend and I were both drawn to these mossy frogs.
They were all over Nell's.
Well I am smart enough to know if Nell Hill's 
has them all over her store,
then there must be something to it!
So we each bought one to use for our spring decor.
Last night I emailed my Nell's-shopping-friend
and told her I wish I had bought 
several frogs and I could have made a Leap Year tablescape.
Get it?  Frogs leap...Leap Year....
Well, I thought it was kinda cute!!

Then I kept thinking and thinking about it.
So today, after school, I dropped by the fabric store
and asked if they had any frog fabric.
Sure enough, there were several to choose from.
I grabbed the first one I looked at. Literally.
It turned out to be pretty darn cute.
And also the most expensive item on the whole tablescape!
I used a Wal-Mart-at-Christmas-several-years-ago-platter as a charger.
The green plates were from Wally World as well many, many years ago. They were clearanced at $1.
The ironstone is some of my pick-it-up-when-I-see-it collection.
And the green plate on top looked like a lily pad so I used it on top.
I topped it with green napkins that matched my
The place mats are from the Dollar Tree, 
the goblets were after-Thanksgiving clearance for less than a dollar ....at Wally World.

It was just the Hubs and I at home,
so I set the table outside for two.

The Hubs did not quite see the 
importance in celebrating Leap Day.
Hello....Doesn't everyone?????

I didn't let that stop me!
I brought out a bouquet of tulips
that brought in some color with all the green.
I don't remember exactly how much the frog was.
I want to say $5ish.
So that makes that 
at $10 a yard,
the most expensive item on the table!
Who would have thought?

Inside looking out....
I'm here to tell you....
one little item can spark an entire tablescape!
And a tablescape can be set with buying
very little, if anything.
This was one of those tablescapes that came together
very quickly
without any prior planning.
I had the table-for-two
set in less than 15 minutes.

The Hubs relented and came outside to enjoy the
beautiful evening 
on the porch.
Thank you for joining me
with my 
Ode to the Frog
Leap Day.


  1. What a fun table! That cute little froggy would have leaped into my arms too. This is a charming table ~ every detail! ~ Sarah

  2. Connie Barnes3/01/2012

    Very cute, Lori! I bet you went to Prairie Quilt!

  3. Oh my gosh this is so much fun! I get it...and love it! Poor guys they will never get where us crazy girls are coming from...that is ok though!

  4. You did a great job with your froggy tablescape!

  5. So charming! Moss everything is very "in" this spring. Tuesday Morning was filled with moss items. Great napkin rings and what a pleasant setting on the porch. Great for "Leap" Day!

    Robin Flies South

  6. Love everything about your table & story. Ribbit!!

  7. What an adorable table!!! I am afraid of real frogs..but enjoy fake ones!!! Such a great porch setting!
    Mis Bloomers

  8. What a fun and cute table. Love your leap frog!

  9. Fun table! The fabric is adorable...

  10. What a lovely table - just right for spring. This is my first visit but I will be back. Please call to see me here in Australia any time you like,


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