
Tell All Tuesday--A Name

We are on the countdown.
Technically we have been on 
the countdown for months.
Now we are on the homestretch countdown.
And she has a name!
In less than a month,
we will welcome our first grandbaby.
We have been on a 
fixing and buying frenzy,
making sure that everything 
is perfect
and ready
to welcome 

Miss Leightyn Elizabeth Lucas.

Diaper covers, frilly curtains,
monograms for furniture...
everything is being put into place
to welcome 
into the world.
One more month!
We can hardly wait!!


  1. What a pretty name!

  2. Love that name!!...especially the middle name because, guess what the "E" stands for in my intials......YES!! Elizabeth!!! She will be here before you know it!


Welcome to my Big Story. You thought....