
One SUPER party!

My niece and nephew hosted a super Super Bowl party. 
Caroline is the Hostess with the Mostess and 
Ford lent all his football accessories for the cute decor.

There was lots of good food...
In every sort of football dish

Caroline made name tags for each dish...

And Ford's contributions peeked out everywhere.

No matter which team you rooted for
(I was WAY in the minority as I cheered for the Giants!)
there was a decoration for your team!

Caroline made a football pepperoni pizza after she had seen one on Pinterest!
(She loves Pinterest! I have a board just for her on my own!!)
 There were souvenir cups for everyone,
as well as party favors
(that Caroline handed out as soon as we walked in!)
As we ate, Caroline went around
asking us if we needed refills on
food and drink
and brought them to us...
even if we didn't need them!
Ford was engrossed with the game by then!
Ford had the idea to host the party,
and with help from his parents...
And his very personable hosting sister,
these two pulled off one
SUPER party!

Ford and Caroline's Party Menu:
Chick-fil-A chicken nuggets
LOTS of dips
Variety of chips
Fruit tray
Football pizza

1 comment:

  1. Cute and fun party! I know y'all had a real good time!!


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