
The Shirt off Their Backs...........................................................

For Christmas, my sister got all the boys in the family a custom-made dress shirt.

Now that's a lot of fancy shirts....
because we have a lot of boys in this family!
Not only that, but she had a pizza party
(boys only)...And that would be a LOT of pizza. Look at this crew!!
After they ate, the tailor came over to 
my sister's house and
measured each of the boys.

The boys each got to
pick out the style of shirt they wanted,
pockets, no pockets,
shirt tail, straight hem,
fancy-schmancy, more causual,
how fitted they wanted it at the waist,
and the fabric.

The boys absolutely loved every minute of it.
They enjoyed the pampering,
the decisions,
the whole shebang!
The boys knew they were getting
the shirts,
but my sister also included
a tie to match that she picked out
for each of them.
They were thrilled to say the least.
It was a special gift like none they had ever received.

I should have taken a picture of the
exquisite boxes and ribbon
they came wrapped in.

Because it would have been
a heck of a lot easier
to take pictures of pretty boxes
than of these guys
with their new shirts and ties!
Boy oh boy!!

1 comment:

  1. What an awesome idea...I love it and I love all of your photos. I hope you had a wonderful birthday!!



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