
I LOVE Craig(s List)

You might remember that we went the entire summer and part of the fall with absolutely no stove, oven or burners in our new (old) house.  When we bought the house the kitchen was completely empty, save for a row of very (EXTREMELY) ugly cabinets.  ...Oh yea, and an even worse sink. 
All pics were taken as we were grilling and cooking tonight. (Sorry for the mess!)

Since we were starting with nothing
I could basically pick out any color of appliance I wanted.
I was pretty sure I wanted stainless, as it went with
so many other things we owned. 

Have I ever told you before 
how much I love Craig?
As in Craigslist?
Oh yeah!
Many a wonderful thing has been bought there!
Including this stove.
I knew I wanted a gas stove,
because that is just how I roll.
I kept looking....
and looking...
and looking...
throughout the summer. 
Finally this fall, I found the stove I wanted.
It was a six burner gas. Stainless.
The middle part has a grill that can be put in
place of two burners.
We use that grill all.the.time!
(As seen in the photos from tonight!!)
Not only that, but it is also a convection oven 
as well as a regular oven.
One little switch 
changes things over.
We had the convection on tonight
making baked potatoes.
So cool.
Plus it has a cute little drawer on the bottom
to store the grill and/or burners in
when not in use.
Oh, and did I mention 
that it also has not one, but TWO
instant boil burners!
Hold the ponies! There is more.
It also came with this microwave.
The micro is the 
with the blowers, lights, etc....
But obviously,
in my beautiful kitchen
it is not up yet.
We just use it from its 
cute little table.
Patience. Patience.
I know you are wondering....
well they both came wrapped in plastic.
Someone bought them for their kitchen
then changed their mind
during the remodel.
So they sat in that garage. Unused.
Until I bought the set...yes, the set...
for $750.00.
For. Real.
New and just waiting to be loved!
Ok....you want to know more reasons I love Craig(s List)?

Say hello to a hardworking dishwasher.
Also bought from Craig(s List).
Also wrapped in plastic....in the box.
Another waaaahoooooo!
You might not be able to tell 
by this picture,
but the dishwasher is a 30 inch model.
It can hold over 10 place settings
at a time.
Stainless inside as well as out.
Since we did not have a conventional kitchen
there was only a hole that the dishwasher should go in.
Weirdly enough, that hole was for a 30 inch
(Most dishwashers are 24 inches wide.) 
Weird that we had that hole big enough....
This dishwasher...let me just say...we got at a 90% discount.
New. Unused.

Well, since we had the crappiest
cabinets ever, 
I am always looking on 
Craigslist for new cabinets.
I have seen several that I liked, but 
not scored a complete set yet.
I did get this little 
I got this for 
It took my three big sons 
and my husband
to huff-and-puff it into the house.
I used it as an island for the whole summer.
My long-term goal was to paint it an accent color,
cover the sides with beadboard too, 
and put some little bun feet on it
as it fulfilled its island duties...
(hopefully with a granite or butcher block top).
Then the day before Thanksgiving 
I bought this $150 guy from Craig(s List).
Oh. My. Gosh.
Love it (said in a singing voice).
Talk about heavy!
It has a massive butcher block top...

With great big 
galvanized legs.
And in my world...
galvanized and stainless
are kissing cousins
and look great in the 
same room!

It has a great galvanized bottom shelf too.
The top is all scratched......and loved!
One day one of my sons got out the 
cutting board
to cut 
on this island!
I shrieked!
"Are you kidding me???  Get that 
knife of yours cutting right on 
top of that island!"
It is SO hard to untrain children!!
This 'ole island
got a workout
during the holidays!
There is a place on one
edge where there is a 
kind of the shape of a 
bowl. Or plate...
I tried to take a picture of it,
but it is kindahard.
Just trust me. It is so cool.
This table was used in a BBQ restaurant
and they said that is where they chopped
the briskets
each and every day.
Love it. (same singing voice).
Sometimes if we scrub the 
butcher block really hard
we can get a smokehouse smell.
I keep trying!
One of my favorite pieces I have 
found with the help of my love, Craig(s List)
is this big heavy tin sign.
It is massive.
My grandmother was a Stogsdill
and her mama was a
As in Gooch's Best.
Aren't those cool names?
Stogsdill. Gooch.
Say those three times together!
I paid $100 for the sign.
I felt like that was a little much...
except I knew I could 
build my kitchen around it...
and I 
really, really, really, really wanted it.
I had to send my oldest son to get it for me.
It was not a local yokel.
But it all worked out...
and I see the sign and think of 
relatives from long ago...
with really cool names.
By the way,
since this guy got relieved
of his island duties
we just pushed hauled him
along one wall
and use him
for all his drawers and cabinet
as a wall unit.
Our idea right now is to 
eventually use him as a base cabinet
once we remodel since he is so
heavy and good.
Once again...Patience. Patience!
I told Hubby that by the time we
start and finish the kitchen
then we can just say,
"Hey let's go in the Craig and make supper."
Get it?
You know, instead of the kitchen we could just say the Craig
since everything in it has come from Craig(s List).
Ok. It was a dumb joke, (but I liked it!)


  1. Talk about SCORES....AWESOME on all of it.

  2. I have the exact same stove. Love it. Piece of advice though. If your touch pad controls stop working don't get new parts right away $$$$$ but just unplug the electronic control panel on the inside (not the wall plug) and then plug it back in to see if that fixes it. My repairman did that for me and it works perfectly again.
    You guys have done an amazing job on that kitchen. Just amazing.

  3. You are a regular Craig's Champ! Love the Gooch's sign.

  4. Awesome scores indeed! I too love Craigslist, I'm sitting here in my living room looking around and I have four major purchases in my living room and dining room from CL!! My daughter and I ventured into Michigan last Monday night and purchased a beautiful in mint condition mid century modern dresser for her bedroom for only $90!! I am always looking on there. Your stove is perfect for all of your cooking and baking you do!!

  5. Wow! What a transformation! This would be a perfect project to link up at our "impossibles" party today! Stop by and link up!


    BTW I love Craig's list, too!

  6. OMC (Oh my Craig (s' list)) What finds! Craig's List not only intimidates me but the few times I've looked on it everyone is selling couches, couches, bunk beds, and more couches. The sign is divine.

  7. I am a frugal gal and I try to live my life with no regrets. I have a few regrets though that stem from not buying something because of the price. One of which is a handmade rocking chair my husband and I found on our honeymoon in Costa Rica. It was $100 and had a leather seat. I fell in love. We didn't buy it. I still regret it to this day and that was 12 years ago. I think that $100 is a very fair price for something that you will look at every day and bring joy to your life. An imagine what you have spent a $100 on that you cant even remember at this point.

  8. You really hit the jackpot! I also love Craigslist and have bought and sold a few pieces. Thanks for sharing this at the Open House Party. Hugs, Sherry

  9. Awesome! So many great finds. I too heart Craig and his list!!

    Thanks so much for linking up to the challenge!
    Karah @ thespacebetweenblog

  10. You are a Craig's List Rock Star!!!

    Thanks so much for linking up to our Impossibilities challenge!



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