
Decorating by the Book(s)!

Apparently I come from a loooooong list of voracious readers. On all sides of my family! 
It seems as though whenever
anyone in my family has died,
there have always been lots of books
left behind.
To which everyone always says,
"Lori will take them."
"Box 'em up for Lori."

Such has been the case
since I was in high school.
Long before I taught literature.
And I couldn't be happier
to get them.
It is a win/win.
I not only get wonderful, beautiful, priceless,
old books;
but I have tangible pieces of my legacy, my past.
I like to imagine my relatives 
using the books,
day after day,
time after time.
I can read a good book
many times.
I come from others
that also liked to 
the same book.

I have Classics.

I have children's books
by the dozens.
All bearing witness to 
countless hours 
of love.

I have books that when
my great-great-grandparents 
were making their way 
from Ireland to America,
and could only bring the 
still found a way to bring
a favorite book,
to remember their homeland.
Don't think that doesn't
put a lump in my throat
every single time
I view it!

I love the
muted colors
of the 
book collection.
It is as though they 
are calling to us.
Come sit.
Come read.

Then one will 
pop out
with its 
red boldness
or splash of
cover color,
"Read me. Read me first!"

Pictures and books
picture books.
All with years of love.
And across the room
more books.
More love.
More history.

You know what I also love about
these books?
I teach many of the same stories
to my students 
each year.
Just imagine how many 
and thousand
have read the
very words
in these books.

And that is how I decorate...
by the book(s)!!
I am linking this to Metamorphosis Monday.  Also Wow Us Wednesday's and Open House Thursday. And Farmhouse Friday. Come take a look!


  1. Anonymous1/16/2012

    Have you read all of them?

  2. I love your old books. I too collect may old books and bibles.


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