
Country Roads Take Me Home...........

I spent a couple of days of my Christmas break with my Hubby and Dad out at the family farm. 

The weather was in the low 70's on New Year's Eve, the day I took these pictures. Perfect weather and a perfect day. 

I say we walked a hundred miles. Hubby says we walked about six miles. (Whatever....I am sure I am right! ha!)
Our family farm butts up to the county where Pioneer Pioneer Woman lives on her family farm. Both Oklahoma counties are named after local Native American tribes. Other striking similarities in Ree's life and mine are: She has an 'r' in her first name, and so do I. She has a 'u' in her last name as do I!  She loves to cook, and I love to cook. She has a lot of children and I have a lot (plus one more than her) children. I think that about covers our similarities......just in case anyone was getting us mixed up!

My grandfather bought this farm and others many years ago. He was a steward of the land and believed in land conservation long before it was the vogue thing to do. I remember hearing him say on more than one occasion, "They're not making any more land. We have to take care of it." 
When my grandparents died, the family farms were passed down to my Dad and his brother and sister. This particular farm is in an area known as "Masham". My grandfather also liked to tell the story that when Oklahoma was being established, and the "in charge" people were calling from Washington D.C. to see what communities were being named, they called at lunch time and the man on the phone from this area was just getting ready to eat. The Washington D.C. person asked, "What's the name of your little area?"  at the same time the man's wife was yelling, "How do you want your potatoes?"  To which the man answered his wife first and said, "Mash 'em."....Thus became the area known as "Masham".  Don't you just love legends that are passed down for generations? 

This farm has rolling hills, where you can climb to the top and see at least five different counties. It is also full of hunting land and grass land. 
I have a huge wall behind my big sofa in our den. The (not big enough) picture that was there got moved to the living room. I want a HUGE picture to put on that large wall. I want the picture/poster/or whatever to have something to do with Oklahoma. I might have possibly found what I was looking for (very unintentionally) out at the farm. 

You know that picture that started out this post?  It is the most a-m-a-z-i-n-g tree. Truly. I thought the tree was absolutely beautiful in its winter nakedness. And I might be happy to just have that, but my plan is to take pictures of the tree from the same spot each season and group the foursome together over the couch. I will call the collection, "The Family Tree".  Get it?  A play on words...a tree out at the family farm,  also a part of my families roots.....Don't you love how that worked out?  I know, I know. That will take a long time to complete all four seasons worth of pictures. But there are some things I CAN be patient about. I also know that it might not end up being what I am looking for. BUT, nothing beats days spent out at the farm....

"Yoohooooo, Ree, can you hear me?  I am just over the hill!!"

The Family Tree-Part 1

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures & story about how Masham got its name. I bet this is one bit of Pawnee Co. trivia that my hubby doesn't know. We will see. : )


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