
Weekends at Lori's

It is the little things about the weekend that make them so darn nice. 
 I love college football. I am one of those people that find it relaxing to go to the games or just sit home and watch them on TV.
 I spend my weekends playing 'catch up' on all those things that did not get done during the week. It feels good to get them done.
Then, there is the simplest pleasure in just 'being home'. I leave every morning for work no later than 7 a.m. It is dark when I leave and almost dark when I get home now. I love weekends because I get to enjoy my house with sunlight.

But most of all I love weekends because I can relax and spend them with (shaggy) pups and my family... Always good food and good company!

Hopefully tonight I will get some pictures posted of one of the bathrooms we redid. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

1 comment:

  1. I hear ya! Sundays are awesome! Enjoy yours....we have got some big winds going on here today in Ohio.


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