
Autumn's Jewels

Just in case you missed it on a previous post, my mother bought a set of Jewel Tea dishes years ago at an auction. (Jewel Tea dishes were manufactured outside of Chicago beginning in 1933. They added new pieces each year to make people continue to collect.) Apparently the lady that owned the set my mom bought readily bought into that idea.

The set my mother purchased has close to 200 pieces. One of these days I will count them all.....When I have time to count that many!  I know there are 16 dinner plates, three different sizes of bowls and two sizes of coffee cups. There are at least seven different kinds and types of pitchers. There are mixing bowls, casserole dishes, covered dishes, pie pans and even metal hot pads. There are salt and pepper shakers and even a coffee pot on a brass and copper base.

Even though I was only in grade school I remember my mom buying the dishes. She had to come back to our house and trade out her car for my dad's pickup to transport all the Jewel Tea dishes home. I helped her unpack all of them. Maybe that is why I always had a fondness for them.

I remember my mom using the casseroles and pie pans more than anything. Then as I got older and had my own home I kept telling her she should get the Jewel Tea out for fall. She would get a piece or two out and put them around. Once in a while she would put out a few plates. (She had LOTS of other dishes and these kind of got pushed aside.)

Then one day when my son came home from a visit to his grandparents he began unloading boxes from his car. My mom had had him pack up all the Jewel Tea and sent it home to me.
What a wonderful surprise!

She told me since I had always liked the dishes she thought I should have them. I could not love them more. They are simple and classic. There is not too much orange or too much design. They mix easily with the reds, golds and browns of my favorite fall colors.

The Jewel Tea mix easily with the leaf dishes I bought at Wal-Mart several years ago. Last year I paired them with some Better Home and Garden leaf plates. I will probably do that again this year as well.

I bought the big brown plates at Target several years ago in a four-pack. I bought two four-packs and use them all the time. I bought the leaf placemats at Ross. I bought the leaf napkin rings at JC Penney's after Christmas for 90% off.

All these things I bought before I was ever gifted with the hundreds of pieces of Jewel Tea. It was like they were just all waiting to go together!

I added pieces of Jewel Tea throughout the table, as well as pumpkins, twig balls, candles and acorns.

The best part of the Jewel Tea dishes is that they will work throughout the entire Fall season. I can leave them out for a couple of months.

The battery-operated candles are the ones I made over from Hobby Lobby.

See how sweet and classic the Jewel Tea pattern is?

My cousin gave me the spools when I got married years and years ago. I have added to the set over the years. There has never been a time or a house that I have not used them in constantly. There are so many ways to use them and I constantly put them to work!

In this picture you can see one of the many pitchers and one of the coffee 'mugs'.

The little sugar bowl in this picture is a spare without a lid. I added the twig ball and it looks like they were made for each other!  
My Jewel Tea dishes are truly a 'jewel' to now own. They fit my decorating ideas to a "T". 


  1. Anonymous10/11/2011

    i love leaf motifs... even when its not fall! :)

  2. What a treasure you have in your mom's extensive Jewel Tea collection. I own one Jewel Tea platter and I love to bring it out in the fall thru Thanksgiving.

  3. I'm crazy about those dishes and wish I had some for fall. I saw some in the antique mall just a week or so ago, in fact.

    I love your table! My favorite part besides the dishes is what you did to the candles. Those wooden candlesticks are perfect for this setting, too.

  4. Lo,
    Loved the post on the Jewel Tea dishes. It reminded me of Grandmother. She loved dishes too, and had one particular bowl that she always used to serve her dressing! Sweet memories!
    Love, Li

  5. The Jewel Tea dishes are beautiful! How nice that your Mom gave them to you! Your table looks fabulous, I love the battery candles! XO, Pinky

  6. Very pretty fall table. I love the Jewel Tea.

  7. Very pretty...I have a friend that collects Jewel Tea dishes, she has just about every piece they made.

  8. Oh how wonderful that Jewel Tea treasure is. I know they give you much joy. What a pretty table you've set before us with them too!

  9. Those dishes are classic. Great color for fall and what a variety! I hope you had room for them. Your spools are great too. Isn't it nice when someone gives us something we love. We always think of them that way!

    Robin Flies South

  10. What a wonderful...and AMPLE...collection!!! I can see why you would love them so. Great back story on them. Dishes with sentimental value are always my favorites. These Jewel Teas are perfect for the entire season. Enjoy, and thanks for sharing the neat story about them!!!

  11. I love the jeweled pumpkins! So pretty! Your table is amazing!

  12. I have seen these dishes at antique shops and knew they were from Jewel Tea. I just love your story of how your Mother acquired and then passed the dishes on to you. Your table is lovely and the spools for candle holders are wonderful. The candles are pretty with your added decoration. This is one of my favorite tables.

  13. Your Jewel Tea Set is truly a treasure. It is indeed, perfect for the Fall season. I adore your spools. They make primitive sophisticated! Thank you for inviting us to your lovely table. Cherry Kay

  14. Your Fall tablescape is beautiful. I love the warm colors and your dishes are wonderful. Thank you for linking to the Open House party.

  15. This was nostalgic for me. My grandmother bought that set from the Jewel Tea man back when Jewel Tea came door to door and you could order certain groceries. We always used it at her house, and today whenever I see pieces of it at an antique shop I have such sweet memories. Thanks for sharing! Linda


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