
Things Go Better With Coke!

 I have had this 
old Coca-Cola ice chest
for as long as I have had kids.
It was my grandfather's 
and he had set it in his garage sale pile.
Thankfully, I paid a visit to him
before he had his sale!
 Is there another logo that is
so simple--yet cool?
And the red and white are absolute classics.
Coca Cola might change their 
marketing strategies...
and even tamper with different products,
but their logo remains steadfast and beautiful.
 My ice chest is replete with the
bottle opener on the side
and a nice heavy lid.
 Since I have owned it,
it has seen time as a toy box,
a fern holder on the front porch
and a place to stuff extra blankets
that the boys kept handy for when they 
wallowed  laid on the sofas.
 This summer when I was 
moving "treasures" around,
I took the Coca Cola ice chest and 
cleaned it up.
I even put a thin layer of wax on it.
It does look better now.....(but yet not new).
 I moved it under one of the 
chalk-painted hutches I redid,
right beside my big, fat, comfy chair.
I like to keep my favorite magazines inside 
the ice chest, 
with my laptop perched and charging on top.
The set up is perfect.
It brings a little pop of red to 
that side of the room.
It is handy and holds many magazines.
(In fact it is a lot more full than when this picture was taken this summer!)
It is just another example of
using what you have
and making it serve a new purpose.
(Two things: I was reminded of these pics I took this summer when several people told me they think my Santa might be a Coca Cola Santa instead of the Douglas Fir Santa.  That is fine with me!  Think how cute he would be with this ice chest beside him holding a little tree?!!!!
Also, yes, I am aware I need new slipcovers for my big, fat, comfy chair.
All in due time. All in due time!!)
Can't Beat the Real Thing.... (Coke slogan)

1 comment:

  1. Guess who started a new bloggy??? It's to celebrate my newfound love of 60's decorating!! Woohoo! See you over there:)


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