
Never Feeling Blue over Blue!

Let me tell you a little something about myself:
I like what I like.
If it is not "popular"
by the standard of others,
that does not bother me.
I remember in (gasp) 1979
and I was moving 
into a little house.
My hubby and I had painted 
our bedroom
Kelly Green.
My sister-in-law had brought a friend along
to see the house we were moving into.
The friend did not know that we had
already done the painting
and she went through the house and said,
"Oh my gosh. I'll be you can't wait to get in here and paint.
Who would EVER paint a room dark green."
It didn't bother me.
I told her that was my paint.
I found it a lot more humorous 
than she did!

I had big 
paintings of cows
when everyone else 
thought it was just some
"farmgirl" thing.

I liked typography
back in the 
70's and
80's and
90's and
I still do.

I try not to 
decorate with
everything that is "trendy".
I stick to what I like.
I stick to what makes me happy.
I like for people to walk 
into my house
and say
"This house is so YOU."
What a great compliment.

When one decorates 
in all trends...
whether it be color or decor,
it tends to go out of style.
And sometimes quickly.
When you decorate with 
things you love
and colors that 
make you smile,
then you can 
keep it
and add to the collection.
And keep on loving it.
Till YOU decide to change.
Not when you are told it is out of style.
Such is the case of my 
blue and white china.
I got my first pieces
at an auction 
the first year 
I was married.
I have continued to buy
pieces here, 
sets there,
this and that
here and there.
Till I have amassed
quite a collection
of blue and white.
I see that 
blue and white
is "popular"
again this year.
That is nice to know.
Even though
in my heart,
it has always been
Call me 'crazy' any day, but don't call me 'trendy'! 
Linking with the Open House party at No Minimalist Here! Check out the beauties.
Also, Show and Tell Friday with My Romantic Home. As well as Farmhouse Friday's!


  1. You are so right. I find the more I follow my gut and not the latest and greatest that is showing on all the blogs, I am happier. Like orange, so many people don't like it but I love it. I have learned to decorate for me and no one else:)

  2. You're right Lori. Blue never goes out of style anyway and your collection is sooooo pretty!


  3. lori, You have a beautiful collection of blue and white. I started my transferware collection forty years ago and I still love it! Great post and thanks for joining the Open House party this week.

  4. Very beautiful blue and white transfer ieces! I love your tier full with transfer cups, very nice! Hugs, FABBY

  5. I also collect blue and white a piece at a time. I love your pieces and your feelings are the same as mine. Those blue and white mugs, plates, etc. make me smile. So does my light blue kitchen/living room. I see the blue with the white trim moldings and doors and I just love it... I can't explain it, but you know what I mean. You have to live each day with what you like.
    I really enjoyed your post which I found at "No Minimalist Here" and clicked on it because of the blue and white china photo. My favorite is the pitcher with the cows on it... LOVE!

  6. I love this post ~! What a wonderful message to the world.
    You and I would be fabulous neighbors. Why aren't there more like us in the world?
    For years, I too have been decorating with what I *like* not what may be the craze at the moment. My house is filled with things that I have made-over to become part of us and I love being at home!
    I found you through Cindy@My Romantic Home....and I am so very glad. I will come back to visit again soon.
    {{hugs}} ~C.

  7. Laurie8/08/2011

    I've been reading your blog for a while now, but have never commented...love what you have to say today especially!!! I love what I love too---and most people don't get that. My house is definitely not trendy, but is just ME! We have lots in common, too. Will share later. But, most importantly, I have a 15 year old son named Fielding! Please share your story of his name. Mine is a fourth generation name in my family---so special--just wish he thought so! Ha!

  8. Anonymous8/13/2011

    I was drooling over your picture of the stand with the blue and white dishes. Oh, so pretty. I am also a fan of blue and white and have loved it as far as I can remember.

    Isn't it wonderful to still enjoy the things we chose to bring into our homes many, many years ago? My kitchen is wallpapered in blue and white buffalo checks. Dated? Yes. But I still love it.

  9. Yes, yes, yes!!!
    Follow your heart, and your home will be warm and welcoming and YOU. and that's what is important.

    Of course, masses of blue and white china doesn't hurt. :-)
    The only thing wrong with blue and white becoming trendy now is that it is driving up the prices!

    I have four sets of blue and white china, and some oddball stuff I have picked up over the years. When my husband broke a big and very old flow blue platter ... well, let's just say it's a miracle we are still married!

    Lovely post!

  10. Oh, I'm so glad I found you. I love what you've just said..and yes, I smile everyday when I look at my home. I decorate with what means something to me. I've been collecting blue and white for years now and still love it and still collecting it. Actually I have blue all over my house. When it was in style and when it wasn't in style. Thanks for sharing with us.
    Marianne :)

  11. Thank you! Sometimes we can get a little lost in blogland and think we need to change everything to keep up with the trends when our houses are just how we like them already. By the way, I am a blue and white hoarder. :@

  12. Your post resonated with me. We collect what we love... but isn't it nice when suddenly others see it as beautiful also?

    Blue and white love also -->


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