
My Favorite Thing About August!

When I was a little girl my dad would take me to
football games.
My mother would pop us a big bag of popcorn
(on the stove in real oil)
and put it in a brown grocery bag, 
and send us out into the (Friday) night.
My dad insisted that I sit beside him 
throughout the entire game.
While other children were allowed to run around
he kept me reigned in.....
And he taught me the game of football.
Which probably explains why my 
entire life
I have loved the 
game of football.
Fast forward from that little girl stage
to the teenager stage.
A new boy moves into my 
little hometown
and his is a "WOW-US"
football player.
He was cute. He was funny. He was kind.
He was a good football player.
And I fell hard.

Fast forward a few years later
and I snagged that football player.
Oh my we were young.
And naive.
And happy.
And in love.
And anxious to start our life together.

Fast forward to now....
Thirty three years and 
five children later
we are 
definitely older!
less naive!
still happy!
and very much 
in love!!!!
Many of those years 
have been spent
our children's extra-curricular events.
I could not even begin 
to count how many there were between
five active children.
(And yes, there have been literally hundreds of 
football games 
we attended together.)
without a doubt
is meant to be spent
with someone you not only
but also 
That combination 
makes for a wonderful life.
(And you never know how 
something you learn to love
as a little one...
can lead to so much 
happiness later!)
Happy Anniversary to my 
all-time favorite
football player!


  1. I was there! Remember my graceful walk down the aisle?
    Happy Anniversary! Keep sharing the memories. I love it!

  2. Love this! Happy (belated) Anniversary!


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