
Back To The Drawing Board..........

Last week I showed my 
that my daughter Taylor
found in the trash, rescued and
brought home to me.
This week I have another
"treasure" that Taylor rescued
from the trash! ha!
And, no, she does NOT make a habit of
dumpster diving.
So far she is two for two.
She's looked in two dumpsters and found 
two treasures.
I think she may have a knack!
If I can just convince her!!!!

This time however,
she rescued a 
Dumpster Dude.
It was last fall and I had just found out
that the caterer I had hired for my son's 
rehearsal dinner ....was not going to make it.
It was 24 hours before I was supposed to host 100 people!
So Taylor and I went to the local small-chain grocery store
to get food to cook the large dinner ourselves.
 As we pulled away I said that we needed to 
check the dumpster to see if they had any 
cardboard boxes to 
transport all our food and wedding rehearsal decor 
to the site. 
Taylor reached over the side of the dumpster
and pulled out a long cylinder cardboard tube.
Not exactly the type of cardboard box I needed to transport,
but she thought it looked interesting.
We looked inside and found...
all the architectural drawings and blue prints
to the grocery store.

Please ignore the dust blob on the edge of the drawings. I have no idea how it got there, as dust is not allowed in my house1111 ha!
Eighty-three pages of drawings
to be exact!!

The graphics are wonderful.
Pages and pages of them.
They are so....well....blue!
You better believe I kept the
Dumpster Dude!

There are intricate drawings of 
everything from the store itself
to the parking lot,
to the men and women's bathrooms
(wouldn't that be cool to frame and hang in a bathroom?),
to the refrigeration systems,
and each individual aisle in the store.

Not to mention the writing on each and every page!

Every single page has this on the corner.
It tells who drew that page
and who approved that page.
The plans are from 1961.
In the first picture I have the entire roll
rolled together and put in 
my old wooden ice cream bucket. 
I later undid some of the pages from the large roll
and rolled them individually
and put them back in my old bucket.
I have seen blueprints
rolled up in buckets and boxes
in Pottery Barn rooms and
Restoration Hardware rooms.
Now they are in one of my rooms!
My Hubby gave me the old 
ice cream bucket 
for Valentine's Day.
It makes the perfect 
container for my

So the Dumpster Dude(s) are here to stay.
I have thought about framing
one or two of the more interesting ones
that have food items listed and possibly using them 
for my kitchen.
OR I might do the bathroom idea.
I have enough of them that I can use
several of my ideas.
Now I just need to convince Taylor she has 
I am linking this with Metamorphosis Monday and


  1. How cool are those??! You're one lucky lady!

  2. L U C K Y!! Yea for sure she's a keeper!! Great find and love the display!! Hubby did good too finding the bucket! Cool stuff!

  3. In my undergrad of Interior design we had to write pages upon pages of hand lettering till they were perfect! 1 full page every week! The writing would take at least 5 hours to complete!!! so when I see that lettering it may make me a little sick! :)

  4. Wow, this is amazing!! You have a great blog.I look forward to seeing you at My Dream Canvas.

  5. What a clever, creative idea! I never would'ave thought of using those for anything....much less in my home! But that last photo looks like something right out of the PB catalog! Beautiful!!!! :)

    xoxo laurie

  6. What a great find and the bucket has great character!

  7. LOVE the ice cream bucket and I can't wait to see what you'll do with yout cool blueprints!

  8. amazing. Some friends and I were just reminiscing about the old Humpty Dumpty Grocery in Weatherford, Oklahoma and looks like you found the blueprints. What a treasure! They look great in your bucket, too.

  9. First, I love, love the icecream bucket! Cute idea using the blueprints in the bucket. Great find! Thanks for joining my party this week and have a great weekend.


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