
Simple Sunday

Nothing but heaven itself is better than a friend who is really a friend. --Plautus

Twenty years ago this week, we packed up our five kiddos, ages 2-9, and moved hundreds of miles away from every single person we knew and loved to a little town in the most northeastern part of Kansas where we did not know a single soul.   Little did we know how much Hiawatha, Kansas, would change our lives. It was a perfect Mayberry town to raise a family. We made lifetime friends. 

Then three years ago (coincidentally) this same week we moved back to our home state of Oklahoma.  While it is wonderful to be back home, we know the friends we left behind in Kansas will always have a piece of our heart. This weekend we returned to Kansas to attend a wedding. (Probably not coincidentally, but all in God's great timing,) it is that twenty-years-ago-this-week-move that we have reflected on while being in Kansas.  We got to see many of those forever friends and it has been wonderful.

We moved not knowing a single soul and left with hearts enlarged by friendships. God is so good.

1 comment:

  1. Yes! He! Is!
    Another saying (from Mama): To have a friend, you have to BE a friend.
    Leaving behind so many good friends says a lot about you, Lori.
    You were raised right. ;)


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