
Pie Oh My..........

This is not about the pie you eat....since I am still ovenless (but I am beginning to cave!)...No, it is about the revamping of a Pie Safe!
I have had this 
reproduction pie safe
for over 30 years
(which almost makes it a new antique!)
It has lived in 3 states, 5 houses and countless rooms.
It is one of those pieces that you can put in any room.
Originally it had a glass front (where it is open now),
and a light in that little nook.
I got rid of both of those years ago
and have wanted to paint the 
pie safe for years.
So I finally did. 
When you paint with Annie (Sloan Chalk Paint)
it is so much faster
that it is easier to psyche yourself 
up to get projects that you were thinking about done.
And the pie safe is now Emperor's Silk red.

My daughters are aghast that I painted the pie safe.
They even had a Facebook conversation about it....
Which means everyone knows how they feel now, ya know? Ha!

Personally, I think the pie safe looks so much better.
I actually think she looks more authentic now.
Like an old painted cupboard.
And yes, I did replace the handles.
I picked these because we had some similar in
our kitchen in Kansas 
and it brought back fond memories.
I used two coats of Emperor's Silk and a minimal amount of
dark wax. 
I loved how the wood grain 
came out
the paint.
I did minimal distressing,
only in the 
places that would distress naturally.
I understand that "red" is a very personal preference
but I love how it looks.
I painted the "cubby" in Old White chalk paint.
I did not distress it, and did very, very minimal dark wax.

The old (which the girls liked (??????!!!!?????)
and the new and improved (below).
I don't know what room the pie safe will end up in
at this house,
but she will be beautiful
in her new "do" no matter where she lands! 
By the way... Yes, I painted the tin inserts as well.
I dry brushed them with Old White, wiped it off, then put the dark wax (barely) on it.
I am linking this to Painted Furniture Party at Romantic Homes and Wow Us Wednesdays and Open House Party at No Minimalist Here.


  1. Okay enlighten Doris the dummy here....lol! What is chalk paint? I have seen it on a couple other blogs lately. I promise I haven't been hiding under a rock but I truly don't know what it is!


  2. Love the new look !! I've had items that I got tired of looking at all plain too and painted them .. friends were all gasping at the thought of painting over the natural wood but I loved ea one I did afterwards .. made me feel like I had something new. I have also had items that were passed down to me that were covered in multiple layers of paint that I striped down to bare .. so maybe when you pass the pie safe down to your daughters they can have fun restoring it back to bare again :)

  3. Your pie safe is amazing! I love painted furniture. . . I think it takes on a new life. The red is such a pretty shade. I have not tried the chalk paint yet but have a project lined up to try it.

  4. What a wonderful color you chose!! It turned out great!

  5. I love it!! What do daughters' know anyway? I'm standing with you on the red choice. I really think it looks wonderful.

  6. You "antique" pie safe looks great in the color you chose! Like those handles too!

    Hope you will please drop by and enter my $50 Overstock.com Gift Card Giveaway!! If there are 500 entries, they will increase the Gift Card to $100.

  7. LOVE the red! It's a great piece and I think you just took 20 years off of her! It went from 1980's (nice) to 2011 fabulous!!
    I am going to have to try that chalk paint!

  8. Lori, I think the new paint color is fabulous and I love the cute handles! If this was my piece red would have been my color choice too.
    Thank you for joining my party this week. Take care.

  9. Your pie safe is a beautiful piece of furniture. I love the color........Great redo, now all you need is to make my pie for your pie safe. I'm visiting over from NMH Open House.

    The French Hutch

  10. Anonymous7/27/2011

    Oh, I love your pie safe and it's new color. I agree with you - I think it looks more authentic red and the hardware! I love the hardware you chose.
    Love how you've dressed her too.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  11. You are one brave decorator! I had a decorator/friend who always encouraged her devoted following to use red paint. She would quote a hymn and say "There's power in the blood" (meaning red is the color of blood and gives life to a room). I do think the paint updated the look of the pie safe so much.

  12. I love red! You did a fabulous job; it looks great.

  13. I have a similar cupboard ( bought unfinished;new) that I painted red and added punched tin to the panels years ago. I, too love the red!

  14. You did a smashing job going with the red! I can just hear this little pie safe singing a happy tune now!!
    I have not tried any chalk paint yet but after seeing this gorgeous red, I think I will have to give it a try! I am totally head over heels in love with red right now.


  15. Anonymous8/06/2011

    Faaaabulous Daaahhhling!


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