
Hi Ho (Take That) Silver...Away!!!

There is gold silver in them 'thar hills plains!

Last weekend one of my daughters and I ventured out into the heat for a town-wide sale. There were merchants having big sales and individuals having sales. 
As we were walking down the main street of the town,
I saw a nice silver tea service sitting on a table. 
Can you see it sitting on that dresser (through the mirror)?

This is a picture of the tea service after I bought it.
Back to the purchase.....It was 106 degrees on Saturday. This booth did not have a tent of any kind. When I reached down to pick up one of the pieces it burned my fingers. I mean really. 
There was seven pieces to the set (not counting lids.)
The price was $35.
The set is very heavy. I knew for $35 it probably was not
sterling silver....
but still.......
So I got a heavy-duty-silver-plate tea service for $35.
That makes it $5 per piece.
You can't beat that!
So I told the lady I would take it.
I suggested she put it all in a box under the table
while I continued shopping in town
(but mainly to give it time to cool down before I had to carry it!)
When I came back to pick it up, 
it had cooled down.
(Too bad the weather STILL hasn't!!)
There are four different (sizes and kinds) of tea pots.
I figure they are coffee, tea, water (?) and something else.
There is also a sugar and creamer...
and she threw in a casserole dish.

All of it matching and heavy and
nicely shined up!
I looked on Ebay and I found the same
maker and style ....
but it was only a three piece set and it
was triple what I paid.
So I would say I scored a great deal.
Have you noticed my reflection in each of these pictures?
I could not figure out a way that I would not show up!
When I was shining up the set I tried to 
make it too shiny.
I wanted it to look a little patinaed (new word).
A couple of weeks ago I had a 
big silver platter 
in the middle of my 
dining room table
and it had not been shined.
My dad was over and told me 
I needed to shine my silver.
(He shines my mother's for her!!!)
I told him I wanted it to look that way
and he was completely appalled.
He thought I had lost my senses and 
any good taste I had ever had.
So this time I did do some shining up,
but I left the tarnish here and there as well.
I have no doubt my dad will notice
(the parts I left tarnished)


  1. I really love it. I'm sort of a silver nut. I wish that I had more.

  2. I would say you scored BIG TIME! I like it tarnished but that's just me. Have a restful Sunday.


  3. I love silver. When we married (1972), we received so many pieces that I was polishing more than I really wanted to. Much of it is put away, but your post makes me want to pull it out and enjoy it again.
    Beckie in Brentwood, TN

  4. So pretty! I can't believe it burned your finger! That's terrible!

  5. Wow, your purchase price really was a bargain. I'm always looking for accessory pieces- trays, especially. And I rarely polish them, too! LOL

  6. When I read you went 'sale-ing' & the temp was 106, I thought to myself, "Sounds like she is shopping close to home (Grove)"! Your profile confirmed that you probably were in the state. Don't you just love it when you score like that! Enjoy the silver.

  7. If you never get another bargain treasure, you've got one now. Fabulous pieces. Looks as though they've been in a old southern family for decades - loved and cherished and passed along.

    Try Tarn-x from www.jelmar.com for easy and I mean easy polishing silver and plate. You never rub, only wipe over, rinse and dry. I read about it at A Stroll Thru Life.blogspot and bought it at K-Mart. I won't dread to polish silver again.

  8. Anonymous8/02/2011

    Wow you got a great deal! They are all beautiful pieces. Now when it is hot enough to burn your finger on silver...that is hot!!!

  9. What a great deal! I love finding silver pieces! It is hot enought here to burn too!

  10. What a deal! It looks just fabulous in your home. Thanks for sharing the fun story and your great pictures. I got a (some type of silver-ish) handled low bowl at a yard sale ($10) that is very tarnished...what is TOO tarnished? I tried to shine it up...not much success. At what point should I try to paint it with the new silver paints?

  11. What a wonderful deal you got on this beautiful set! I had to laugh about your dad because mine is the same way. Thanks for joining my party.

  12. Oh my goodness that was an incredible deal. I love vintage silver. I would have been doing the happy dance for sure if I had scored those pieces.

  13. Really, very nice and you did pretty good with the price, it's a beautiful tea set, who cares if it's not sterling! I love your vignette with the silver. Hugs, FABBY

  14. What an incredible deal and a beautiful set.. Came over from wow us Wednesday's.

  15. Found your blog via "My Romatic Home".....what a wonderful find and so beautiful too!

  16. What a fabulous, (and complete!) set you scored for practically free! I am never that lucky :(
    Looks fab there in the dinning room. I can just imagine the fabulous tea parties that you will have!


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