

 Little by little....
each day a little more...
things are shaping up.
It is HOME.
 Every single day I am humbled
that I have a new (old) home.
Every single day in my prayers I say
"Make this house a home...
a place where everyone is welcome...
a place of joy..."

My son Luke made the little table in shop class in high school. My daughter Annie bought me the vase for my 25th wedding anniversary and my daughter Taylor bought me the bird plate when I was elected Teacher of the Year, and the litle blue bird and cream wing back were two different great-aunts. That all makes it a LOVELY room.

 These are pictures of the
(not-so-formal) living room.
I like to call it the "Room-without-a-TV".
I am not a formal person,
so this room will never be

 I bought the new couch for the den...
but decided for the time being to keep the
ratty-old couch in the den.
It looks ugly, but feels wonderful.
So I put the nice-new-couch in here.

My son Fielding and daughter-in-law Kelly gave me the PB clock platter for my birthday. ....And there are those little urns that I use EVERYWHERE and have blogged about many times.

 It is a huge room and one that we plan to
"find" things for. 
There will be no great shopping trips to
fill it with furniture,
but we know we will "know" a piece
for the room
when we see it.

The armoire is filled with sentimental pieces from lots of people and places. The bulls-eye and half bulls-eye are from our great old house in Kansas.

 In the meantime, it looks nice as-is...
especially with the newly furbished
dark hardwood floors!
 I do not care for the blue paint,
but repainting this room is on the
"yellow" priority sheet.
(We have divided up our 'wants and needs'
into three categories:
red-needs done a/s/a/p
blue-needs done
yellow-when we get around to it.)
In the meantime I will continue
working on the red's on that list....
and making this house our HOME.
Linking this with Laurie at Farmhouse Friday

I am linking up with Sherry at Open House Party and Kim at Wow Us Wednesday's.


  1. I love the chandy and the pillows did you make them yourself?! Everything looks great so far!

  2. How lovely, I love the colors! Thank you for joining us and linking up to Farmhouse Friday! Hope to see lots more of you! xoxo LaurieAnna

  3. smart way to do it things with the color list! I think your room looks lovely as is!


  4. Stopping by from Laurie Anna's. Beautiful room! The chandelier, mantel, the way you are filling the room with treasures with stories and not 'stuff.' We are working off a similar list.


  5. I LOVE it! You are more patient than me..I wouldn't be able to NOT paint! It was fun getting to see your home!


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