
We Are Floored!...........

 We are floored!  Really!  People wrote me asking why I had not been blogging.  People even asked me in person! I didn't even know people paid attention to this little blog.  BUT they did. And they were so kind to ask.
 We are floored! Really.  The last time I blogged about the floors, we had stripped the floors down to their bare naked selves.  It was SO much work. It involved SO many kind of sanders. And sandpaper. And children. And the best hubby ever. But we got it all done. Then hubby began to stain. I did one room, then he took over. Hmmmmmm. (Although one daughter (secretly) told me the room I did was her favorite.) Of course she probably told her dad the same thing!
 It is hard to get a good representation of how absolutely gorgeous the floors are now. ....1. Because the floors are still packed with boxes and things to be unpacked and 2. We have so many big windows and bright sunshine, it is hard to get a great "floor" pic. (Neither 1 or 2 are things to be whiney about by the way....I didn't want you to think I was whiney.  Worn out maybe, but not whiney! We stained the floors MAHOGANY.  It is a very dark color and absolutely what I wanted. Yes, people think I have lost my mind (although others realize that happened a LONG time ago), but I got my way and I got dark wood floors. As soon as someone comes over, Hubby takes claim for how beautiful the floors look, but is quick to say, "Lori wanted them stained this dark!"
Then we put on three layers of polyurethane to keep them looking beautiful. As in glossy polyurethane. And have I mentioned they are beautiful?  Very! Maybe from these pics you can KIND of get a glimpse of how beautiful they look. They are not as dark as the last pic, but not as light as the third pic. Imagine in between.
We are floored! And I love them!
I have linked this with Metamorphosis Monday.


  1. Gorgeous choice. I can't imagine how much work this was though. I have a medium oak hardwood throughout my home and would love to change it but could never do it myself.
    How do you get the layers to dry without dust and dirt landing in them?

  2. Been there. Done that. Five years ago ... still tired! :-) Your floors look fantastic!

  3. Lovely floors, shows all your hard work! Well done.

  4. WOW!!! I loooove your floor - (and the humorous way you write your posts) I too am one that thinks the only wood floors should be dark wood. Something about them...makes my heart flitter. Did you use regular poly or the poly that is made for floors? If you used the poly made for floors, how hard was it to work with?

    thanks and again Beee - uuu - tee - fulll!!!


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