
Easy-Peasy-Strawberry Shortcake Cake!

 We had several of the children home this weekend.
We cleaned out the garage. Organized. Purged. Trashed.
Ok...we didn't eat the garage, but we worked up our appetites from all the hard work!

 Since we were working hard, I wanted a good dessert for us...
You know, to make the pain of cleaning less!

 I had a yellow cake mix and some strawberries.
Hmmmmm....what about strawberry shortcake cake?
And it worked!!
I simply added some fresh strawberries to a yellow cake mix and baked according to directions.

 For the icing I added fresh strawberries to a
cream cheese icing.

 I purposely let some chunks of strawberries in the frosting.

 The inside of the cake and the frosting both had
big strawberry chunks.
One of my sons told me it tasted
just like strawberry shortcake
with....better icing!
So, I thought we would just call
the creation,
Strawberry Shortcake Cake!
Whatever you call it, it is

Go look at Design by Gollum's Foodie Friday for her big party! Also check out Be Different Act Normal on her Show and Tell Saturday's.

I am sharing this with SJ and her big BLOG SWAPPING day! Look at Homemaker on a Dime!


  1. Wow, looks good. I think I'll have to try it for dessert tonight.

  2. I'm bookmarking it! My daughters and I will make it soon :) Thanks for sharing this at the Creative Bloggers' Party & Hop.

  3. Very good idea! I'll be trying this!

  4. Easy and a great result. Irresistable strawberries and cream...a winner!

  5. How easy and delicious~ new follower :)
    Hope you will follow back.


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