
I Have The Blues......

When I was growing up, my Grandmother Flanagan had
Blue Willow dishes.
She used them to serve up her delicious meals.
I am not sure if it was because I loved the
color, the design or because I associated
the dishes with delicious food,
but I have always loved Blue Willow.
Then when my husband and I got married,
we began going to antique auctions.
We did this long before it was the 'vogue' thing to do.
At one particular auction, they were auctioning off a set of
Blue Willow (small) hurricane lamps.
My husband bid on them and bought them for me,
since I had said how much I loved Blue Willow.

Over the years we have continued to collect
Blue Willow at auctions.
My mother also brought me back several very old pieces
on a couple of trips to Europe.
I have amassed quite a collection.
I still love it.
I still equate it with wonderful food and
special family memories.
Even when others had turned away from
all things blue
I still kept mine in cabinets with glass fronts.

So when I saw that Target had a new line out for summer
I was so excited.
Have you seen all the cute things in this line?
I think there are several pieces that would look perfect with my
Blue Willow.
That is my kind of decorating.
Mixing the old with the new...
and knowing if it fits in with our family...
that's 'in style' enough for me!

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