
There's no meat loafin' at my house.......Just getting eaten!

My family love meatloaf. In fact on birthday nights when the kids get to "pick the menu", I always have one that picks meatloaf.
I always add a packet of dry onion soup/dip mix. I think that is a secret ingredient anytime you add that to something.  BUT....what did I do last night to jazz it up even a step further?  I baked the meatloaf for about 20 minutes, then took it out of the oven and covered it with puffed pastry I had rolled out. I continued baking until the puff pastry was golden.  You can see how delicious it looks. And it was! I think we have a keeper!

Meatloaf recipe: (this is for a big meatloaf, as pictured)
3-4 lbs. lean hamburger
1 egg
1 small can tomato sauce
1/2 can Ro-tel tomato
1 to 1 1/2 sleeves of any crackers you have in the pantry
(I have used Ritz, saltines, butter crackers, etc. It is all good)
Small can of evaporated milk (optional, but keeps it moist)
1 packet of onion soup mix
Spices to taste: I use garlic salt and red pepper flakes.
Cheese--also optional (see below)

In a big bowl........Squish (very chef-like term) it all together. This needs to be worked with your hands. Do not be timid!
I usually put half of it in a large baking pan, and pat it into the shape of a loaf..or a football..that type of thing. Then I add a layer of whatever cheese we have on hand...cheddar, white, Velveeta, mixture, etc.  Then I put the rest of the meatloaf on top of the cheese. At this point you could also put a few strips of bacon on as well. Squish it all together and bake. After about 20 minutes, I take it out of the oven.

Take one Puff Pastry sheet. Roll it out to fit around your meatloaf loaf..Then gently layer it on top and the sides, tucking it into the bottom as far as you can get it.

Bake until golden. The meat should be done at that time too. Excellent!!

Check out this and other great ideas at Foodie Friday.


  1. Yummo. I do that with a pork tenderloin too. I brush the rolled out dough with a grainy mustard then wrap it around the tenderloin and bake it. Looks beautiful.

  2. Anonymous1/22/2011

    You know, bragging about how great something you make tastes is fine IF YOU SHARE THE RECIPE. That's the rule. (Teachers understand all about rules. Right???)
    Share. Share. Share.
    How do you make your meatloaf besides adding onion soup mix? Lots of tomato sauce? No tomato sauce? 1/2 sausage the other 1/2 hamburger? Come on and tell.
    BTW: We had ground buffalo in a meatloaf once, so our kids called it Buffaloaf. ;
    My lips poking out and I'm gonna pout until you do.

  3. Next time I make meatloaf I'm going to try this.

  4. Lori -- I think the combination of the meat loaf and the puff pastry would be marvelous. Thank you for such a great rendition of meat loaf. Joni

  5. Anonymous1/30/2011

    You posted the recipe and it looks delish!


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