
Super Quick. Super Easy. Super Delicious....

It is Sunday night. I have not posted my recipe for the day. I was trying to think of something quick to post....which would in turn make it quick to make. I baked a lot today and Hubs could not understand why I would not just use something I had made today!  I told him I needed something quick to post and make. He reminded me of the pretzel rods I make.
I fully realize everyone has seen and probably made these.  I just thought I would pass along a little secret that I add to mine.  A few years ago I needed to make something really quick to take somewhere and I looked into my pantry.  I spotted this secret ingredient and instantly thought ...."Hmmmmmm, that would be perfect!" So, I put two and two together and I had a sure winner. (This declaration comes from my children, therefore making it official!!)
The secret ingredient: Caramel Apple Wraps!!  I take one of the caramel apple wraps and cut it into strips.  Then I begin to wrap it around the pretzel rod. As you wrap it around the pretzel rod, it begins to stretch out.  It sticks very easy and goes on quickly.  One bag of caramel wraps goes a long way, since you cut it into strips and stretch it out.  Once you put the caramel on, then use your favorite chocolate dip (or other flavor), sprinkle on your favorite toppings, and you've got a great, fast, delicious treat! 
The only thing left to do is to eat....and share!
These make terrific treats for your friends and family.
As always, enjoy!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I've never made them or eaten them. They look great though.


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