
Hey Turkey!

Every year since my children were little, we have made dozens and dozens of these turkey cookies.  They are easy to make. We have given them away to friends and family. We have used them as place cards. We have eaten plenty. We have transported more turkeys from Kansas to Oklahoma than I care to remember!!

The ingredients are easy to find and come in mass quantities....therefore, why not make a lot of turkeys?

When they are made and lined up, they can be quite cute. Notice, we used two different kinds of graham crackers and several kinds of candy corn. Use what you have. Also, one other note...always make sure your turkey feathers are pointing up and down!!

The ingredients lined up and ready to go. You can just barely see on the opposite side of the table a long piece of wax paper. I put the turkeys on this after they are done.

As my children got older, I assumed (you know what they say about that!!), that they would not want to make these anymore. I was wrong. Not only do my own children like making these, but we ask cousins over as well. Feelings are hurt when we leave someone out!! (Notice tho, I have only included pics of my niece Caroline and not my 'big' kids!) I will put up pics of my own kids later this month (maybe!)

Everything is "glued" together using chocolate melt. We start with the graham cracker square and put a blob of chocolate on it. We then 'glue' the bon-bon down and put the candy corn feet under the bon-bon (make sure you get them gong in the right direction!)

We then put "chocolate glue" on the bottom of one of the cookies and 'glue' it on as the tail. It should set up immediately so you don't have to hold it on. We then put on the candy corn head with 'chocolate glue' and use the same glue and a toothpick to add two eyes.

                                                      They are finger-lickin' good to make!!

We have at times added a piece of candy for the chinny-chin thing. We have used Boston Baked Beans (??? is that the right word????), as well as another kind of candy found around that same area (of the store rack). (Sorry, the name escapes me.) But most times we just do them as you see them. I think they look pretty cute like this.

As you can see, Caroline took her job very seriously. She made enough turkeys for her entire class! (And she reported back that they were a hit!)

Without a doubt, one of our favorite Thanksgiving traditions. Go out and make your own now, turkey!
I am sharing this with Susan and The Tablescaper and 
Foodie Friday. Check out their blogs.


  1. These are SO adorable! I think I have to make these for my daughter's class. Thanks so much for joining Seasonal Sundays!

    - The Tablescaper

  2. I was just thinking about these today...how cool! A few years ago we made them at my mom's, although we used a Nilla Wafer for the bottom instead of a graham cracker and for the "wattle" we used French Burnt Peanuts.
    Thanks for sharing!

  3. Those turkeys are just the cutest thing ever! No wonder your kids like to make them...what a great idea!

  4. They are adorable! I have 4 little gkids who would love them. I don't think we have those cream drops here in NY, I will have to see what I can sub. I remember making turkeys with my class with pine cones and feathers, and pilgrims with half a walnut shell as the faces! The dried apple dolls were the best!
    I am your newest follower.

  5. Awww! Just wanna snag one off the computer screen & cuddle with it until it melts & I have to eat it. Thanks for sharing this.

  6. These are great! I've been looking for a fun extra dessert that my wee nephews would like too. You are a lifesaver! :)

  7. Hello Lori,
    I came from Susans Tablescaping and now I discovered this very cute turkey cookies. OMG are they cute! I am hosting a International Christmas Cookie party every Wednesday in November. The link is still open until Nov. 20. and the next (and last) possibility is from 24. of Nov. This post would make a nice addition to it if you want to join in, though it is not a Christmas cookie but could be used as that also.

    Greetings, Johanna

  8. These are SO cute. I still have candy corn left from Halloween, these could be most appealing for the children's table at Thanksgiving.

  9. Those turkeys are just too darn cute. My teen also said they look fun to make. I may need to go get some ingredients:)

  10. Those are absolute genius. What fun, so easy and the kids must love eating the various pieces. Jane F

  11. I love it and I am running out tomorrow to take to my Thanksgiving dinner, I am going to bookmark it also for next year! Thank you



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