
Football Fridays and Super Saturdays--Gratitude Day 12

 Sometimes gratitude can be for the simplest things in life. In this case, it is football weekends. My dad took me to high school and college football games since I was able to walk. From then on, I was hooked on the game. I married a football player, I raised football players. I raised a cheerleader. I raised a fanatical fan. 
Football for our family has been one of those events that we all enjoy together. Whether it is attending the games in person, or watching on TV, football brings us together and gives  us an outlet to cheer (or jeer) and enjoy the camaraderie of being together.
When we watch the games at home we have a football food ritual where we each have our own food item to make. Games at home on TV are as much about the football feasts as they are about the game.
We spent years watching our children participate in football. The memories we have made, not just from watching our children play, but also from the friends we made along the way fill a lifetime with memories. 
Fridays and Saturdays may just be days of the week to many, but they will always be Football Fridays and Super Saturdays for our family during football season.  For this I will always be grateful.


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