
The First Day of the FEAST

Hang on folks. We are going to try and get through the month of November with a recipe a day! Yep, you read it right. AND not only a recipe a day, but for the most part, these are recipes that are not labor-intensive and could be made by even the most novice of cooks. BUT the best part is, they taste great and your family and friends will love them...and you. First up......
Gingerbread/Pumpkin Trifle
1 box gingerbread cake mix
1 large carton of whipped cream
2 small boxes of pumpkin (spice) pudding OR
2 small boxes vanilla pudding AND pumpkin pie spice
toffee candy (optional)

Bake gingerbread according to directions on box. Let cool.
When cool cut into cubes or squares.
Put one layer (about half the cake)of gingerbread cubes in
the bottom of a large glass compote.
Make one box of your pudding according to pudding directions.
(At this time of year you can buy pumpkin pudding. I use that. If
you cannot find it, you can use vanilla pudding and put a teaspoon or two
of pumpkin pie spice in the pudding when you are mixing it. I have done that too.)
OR you can just use vanilla pudding.

Layer the entire pudding on top of the gingerbread cubes.
Next layer a generous layer of whipped cream.
Repeat your layers using the rest of the gingerbread cake cubes.
Repeat with your second box of pudding.
Top it off with another generous layer of whipped cream.
You can then add gingerbread crumbs on top....
or what I like to do is to put
Toffee candy pieces on the very top.
Dig in.
Tomorrow.........Apple Blossoms. Easiest. Recipe. Ever!

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