
Dressing up your Thanksgiving Table.....The best DRESSING of all time!

My second favorite recipe of the day is from my own grandmother.  It is her dressing recipe that we use on Thanksgiving...and Christmas.I have had lots of different dressings in my life....some that I liked and some...well...let's just say not so much. But every single time I come back to my Grammie's recipe. It is perfect. It is easy. It makes my mouth water (literally) just writing about it.
The recipe written out in my grandmother's own writing. If she were alive today, she would be 120.

4 qts. Day old bread. (I usually toast about three of four loaves of bread for the same effect)

1 large pan (cake pan size) of cornbread (I usually make three boxes of Jiffy cornbread)

1/3 cup milk

1 stick butter

1 large onion, chopped/minced

½ -1 cup celery, chopped

2 tsp. sage

salt to taste

pepper to taste

chicken or turkey broth (canned is fine)

Tear the bread into small pieces and place in a large mixing bowl. Crumble cornbread into the bowl. Add sage. Add salt and pepper. Pour milk over the bread and toss around trying to get it all somewhat wet (moist).

Saute’ onion and celery in butter until the veggies appear tender (about 5 minutes).

Combine onion and celery with breads in mixing bowl. Mix lightly.

Add enough chicken broth until the mixture is like a thick batter. I use my fingers here and just dig in and get it all smooshed up. It will be sticky but thick and moist.

Put it into a greased (big) cake pan. Cover with foil. Bake about 45 minutes at 350. Take the foil off the last 15 minutes.

This is not an exact science. You can ‘play’ with the recipe and it will still work. It is very delicious. It is even better warmed up the next day!


  1. Sounds delicious. I have never had it with cornbread.
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. This is just nearly my very recipe. We love the dressing and gravy more than the turkey. :)

  3. Anonymous11/22/2010

    Well, I'm here with a confession to make.....I always use Stove Top and my family loves it! Am I bad!!!


  4. MMmmmm!! Sounds sooo good! I LOVE stuffing of all kinds - and this one sounds yummy! Definitely saving this one for later this week! Thanks! :)

    xoxo laurie


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