
Life by Numbers

O---Pop (soda) of any kind or sweets of any kind for this entire week. Hence writer's block. Hence everything block!
1---Month that I have already been in school. Other schools just started this week?!  I can't even talk about that!
2---Weeks until the first day of Fall. Mentally I already feel cooler (weather-wise of course).
3---Three months (and a few days) till Christmas break. That's a big WooHOOOOOOOO!!
4---Children in college at one time. Shoot me now.
5---Obviously. My children.
6---Six weeks until Fielding and Kelly's wedding.
7---Class periods I teach each day. Sometimes it feels like a cattle call. Somedays it feels like frozen molasses.
8---Months until Summer Break.  Can I get a double WOOOOHOOOOO and a back flip?
9---Letters in my alliterated name Lori Lucas.

Hopefully tomorrow I am more 'with it'....Or I've got more numbers!

1 comment:

  1. Laughing!!! Frozen molasses! Such a clever post.

    Your chuck wagon rehearsal is a fabulous idea and I'll be hoping for a perfect fall evening for you all! :) Nancy


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