
L is for Letter Tray...or Lori...or...Lucas.....

I did not take pictures of this process, but you can figure it out it's so simple: I had an old wooden letter tray. Or an inbox tray. Or maybe it was an outbox tray.  Whatever it was, it was a boring old tray.

I spray painted the tray a cream color.

I painted a big "L" in the middle.  I sanded the entire tray and L down to appear worn.  I applied a glaze. The end.

 P.S. That is Abe coming around the corner trying to get in on the action! 
I've linked this to Susan and Metamorphosis Monday. Go check them out.


  1. Yes, yes, it is for Lori. Oh wait I thought you meant you were giving it to me.
    L is now for lunatic.

  2. L is for LOVE IT!
    great job, lori!!!


  3. L is for lovely job, girl! Great idea, too! (oh, and definitely L is for Laurie..... lol!)

    xoxo laurie@heavens-walk

  4. Request: A blog tour of your house. I see tempting glimpses when you tell us these stories, but I want to see a picture show of the whole thing at one time. Or a room at a time. However you want to do it.
    How about it? Are you willing to share?
    Might keep me from knocking on your door one day for a Better Homes tour.

  5. Great reuse of an old tray. I love it!


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