
Ice Scream, You Scream, We All Scream for .....Cakeballs !!??!!!!!???!!!

What's better on a hot summer day than an ice cream cone?
Well.....maybe...... a cake pop cone!
No ice cream in these cones.....Just a cakeball!
I saw where Bakerella made these with sugar cones.  She took the regular size sugar cone and cut it down to miniature.  That was way too much work for me, so I found these mini cake cones and decided that they would be fine.
Apparently I was right, as there were none left of the forty some I made!  You can see the miniature size of the cone compared to the Mt. Dew can.
 You can see the box the cones came in on the left. In the baggies are cake pieces I freeze. These pieces happened to come from the pieces I had to cut out to make my Flag Cake. But I will frequently bake a cake, throw it into a gallon size baggie and put it in the freezer. Then when I go to make cakeballs, the cake is not only ready, but I have found the cakeballs are much easier to make when they are very cold. I don't wait on the cake to 'thaw'. I just use it right from the freezer. (That is my free tip for the day!)
 I made the cakeballs slightly larger than the cone opening.
 They actually look good enough to eat at this point!
But I add to make them better............
So I dipped the cakeball-cone into the pink candy melts. Obviously you can use any color of candy melts you want. 
If you don't want to dip, you can just glob the melts on top I am sure!
Once the pink was set up I did just glob the chocolate on top. I then put a mini M&M on top for the 'cherry'.
These were super easy to make, and so cute to look at. I took them to a family get-together and all my nieces and nephews loved them (as well as my own children). (Don't forget we are talking about 17 years old and up for the most part!!)
My Dad said that he could not understand why someone would go to all that trouble to make something like that. (Really, they were not trouble). AND he said, "Those boys are just eating them so fast they are not appreciating them!" Oh.....I don't think my Dad got it.  I was glad the boys loved them!
One of my sons told me that he liked having the cakeballs on the cone, because it helped tone down some of the extreme sweetness of the cakeball. 
There were several broken cones in the box. I didn't let those go to waste.  Instead I made them look like they were a melting cone! These were big hits too!!!
So with your summer winding down, these are the perfect end-of-summer-treat.
Kids love them....No matter what the age of the 'kid' !!!!!
I have linked this with Foodie Friday. Go by and find something to cook up this weekend.


  1. Those look super yummy, an fun!! could you tell me how to make the cake balls thou??


  2. Anonymous8/09/2010

    Oh does that bring back a memory. When my daughter was in first grade (she is now 26) I was so proud of myself as I made these for her birthday celebration at school, took me quite awhile as I had never done it before. Lo and behold, we had a snowstorm and school was cancelled that day and it was the last day before Christmas vacation so guess who got stuck with 30 conecakes???

    Mine weren't as pretty as yours.


  3. What an adorable idea! This would make a fun family thing to do!

    xoxo laurie@heavens-walk

  4. That is brilliant! My kids both have their birthdays in the heat of summer and as much as I love serving ice-cream it just melts within minutes. I think I will serve these instead! Thanks for the great idea and tips.

    Best wishes,

  5. Oh my gosh, these are gorgeous!! My 2 kids are in their 20's now but I used to make these for them when they were younger. Yours are much nicer than mine were though, lol. You did a fantastic job. Thanks for the memories! :o)


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