
Tooling Around

I told you about the toolbox I got to remember my kind next door neighbor after he died. Well several years ago my son Coulter decided to build his own version of the toolbox. 
 Then, after he made it, he gave it to me for Mother's Day!
He painted it red and 'distressed' it in his own way. I love it.
Coulter's toolbox is a little different than the antique toolbox I got.  Coulter made the inside of his toolbox so that you could put little dividers in..........or slide them out.

The little slots show where the dividers can go, depending on how big or small you want the compartments to be.

That was a great idea he had.  Because sometimes (like in this picture) it is used to hold cookbooks that I use on a regular basis.
Sometimes I might need just a little spot to hold cute little notepads to write out recipe ingredients.

The little dividers slide in and out of the grooves very easily, giving me just what I need for however I might use the toolbox.

Because sometimes the box is used to hold patriotic decorations.

Sometimes it might hold autumn twig balls and feather balls.
Sometimes it might hold Christmas decor. 

Or sometimes the toolbox might just sit and keep my favorite cookbooks handy.
The toolbox is always tooling around my house somewhere, doing whatever job I assign to it.
 This is the kind of gifts that this mother loves!


  1. Oh what a special toolbox that is! How sweet of your son and I just love that idea of having the slots in it so you can use it so many different ways!! LOVE IT!

  2. Anonymous7/16/2010

    He did a great job, especially the distressing. I'm impressed:)


  3. Anonymous7/16/2010

    Tell Coulter to tool up and sell those puppies. He'll get rich!

  4. Anonymous7/17/2010

    Something I've always wondered. Did you name him after Pat?


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