
Spoonfuls of Love

Does anyone else have one of these?

I don't mean that exact cookbook,
(although I know a few of you could say yes to that!)
I mean a time-tested,
well-worn and well-loved
Its pages are filled with
recipes you love,
that your family loves you to make,
and brings back memories of meals
full of love?
The pages of the cookbook
I love
are torn and tattered.
Some are stained.
I can probably make the recipes
I love most
without using the cookbook.
But that particular cookbook
is much more than a book
full or recipes.
To me, it is a book full of love.
This cookbook,
going on 30 (gulp) years old
is full of recipes
from the ladies of the church
where I grew up.
I have favorite recipes I use 
from this book.
But, each time I open the book
I am reminded of much more than food.
I see names of women that shaped my life.
I remember eating their food at church potlucks,
eating at their kitchen tables for lunch,
or breakfast,
or backyard cookouts.
I remember the love they had
for their families
as they cooked these very recipes.

It is not just the food that 
fills my stomach,
but the memories that 
flood my heart.
Wonderful women 
mouth-watering recipes.
So many of these women
have already 
made their journey to heaven,
but through their food
I remember them clearly.

Some of the recipes I love:
Doris's Strawberry Pie
Kezia's Cocunut Pie
Mary Sue's Mexican Casserole
(the first Mexican casserole I ever made)
Mrs. O'Kief's Poppyseed Bread
(one of the stained and torn pages in my book)
Esther Ruth's Chicken Croquettes
(which I change to salmon)
My Grandmother's Cornbread Dressing
(which I make every Thanksgiving and a few other times per year)
Ruby's Pineapple Chiffon Pie
(which I make every Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's and Easter..and
I always make two.  One is never enough!)
Ruby C.'s Pumpkin Rolls
(every year in Kansas I made 2 dozen of these cakes for my friends)
My Mom's Pecan Pie
(the only Pecan Pie I know of that does not use syrup...therefore scrumptious!)
Zeke's Monstrous Green Salad

There are so many others where the recipe 
or the lady behind the recipe
make me smile:
Elva, Della, Debbie, Katie, Ann and Mary.
The list 
goes on and on.

As my own children have gotten older
and began to
leave the nest,
they have asked me frequently
for recipes our family loves.
I began to put together a cookbook
for them about two years ago,
but never got it finished.
This summer, I am determined
to finish it.
You can bet the recipes
I mentioned above
will be included as well.

I hope when my children use
the cookbook I make,
it will bring back memories, 
not only of great food
but of happy times 
gathered around the table, 
the pool,
the firepit,
or the
backyard table.
I hope that 
after years of cooking,
my cookbook for them
will look just like
the spoonfuls of love
I gather from this...



  1. Anonymous6/21/2010

    Hi Lori,
    I have a cookbook that I got when we were first married and it was put together from my husband's grandmother's church. It is stained and looks pretty ratty but when I look at it, it brings back those wonderful memories.

    Hmmm...I need to go look at that later tonight.

    Also, when I went to 3rd Sunday market to pick up your gift, she was so apologetic but she forgot to pack it so she is shipping it to me and as soon as I get it I will be shipping it to you. I promise it's comin.


  2. I have that book! Mine isn't in quite that condition, though. I only have 3 kids, so I haven't cooked as much.
    One thing I've always been proud of is the article you did on Mom's breakfasts for the Cleveland American. I still have a laminated copy of it.
    Mom was a heck of a cook, but I still use your mom's pecan pie recipe.

  3. Wow! The sharp, visual memories that your post created in my mind make me homesick, and grateful for the childhood we had.
    I have that cookbook too, and what a treasure!
    I use it every holiday and any time I want some comfort food!
    I want one of your cookbooks too. Promise?

  4. Oh, me, too, Lori. I'd love one of your cookbooks!

  5. What a sweet post! You must check out the book Potluck by Kim Thomas. You would love it. I know these things. :)

  6. Cindylou8/19/2010

    My cookbook looks just like yours! Maybe it's a mother of 5 thing. Love your blog, been checking in since Susan told me about it on the way to Lisa's birthday. This one and "pull over" have been my favorites so far. They both touched my emotions;}-cindy(mother to 5 and grandmommie to 2)lou
    Ps sign me up for a copy of your cookbook too!!


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