
100 Things I LOVE about America!-The Third 20

100 Reason I LOVE America-- Part 3
Sounds and Smells of America

Many of the first 40 reasons (places, traditions) have 
sights and smells involved.
I tried to make sure
there were
no repeats,
but if there are,
that is just because they
are extra-special American.
On to Part Three:

1.  The sound of the American language.
The nuances and idioms,
the homophones and alliterations,
the Southern drawl, the Northern nasal,
the Prairie twang.
The power of the words, 
the softness of the sounds,
the message behind each word.

2. The smell of simmering cider at Christmas.

3. The sound of waves;
whether they are huge coastal waves,
or the waves from the lake,
there is something soothing
listening to the rhythmic waves.
4. The sounds of an acoustic guitar.
The simple vibration of strings.
No matter whether the guitar belongs to
a cowboy, a church group,
or rock and rollers,
the pure vibration of the guitar 
is wonderful.

5.The smell of popcorn.
The smell almost forces
person to get a bag of popcorn.
Is there anything better at
movies or ballgames?

6. The smell of sweet gardenias
in the South.
There is nothing to match it
unless it is a lilac tree
beside a bedroom window in Kansas.

7. The sound of a marching band,
at a parade
a ballgame
or a pep rally.

8. The smell of newspapers
fresh off the press.
You can still feel the warmth
of the ink 
meeting the newsprint.
It is a smell I recognize easily
and it brings a 
smile to my face.

9. The sound of 
on the farm.

10. The smells of thunderstorms.
The rain that blows in sideways,
the crackle of the lightning,
the wind bringing
in the pure, clean smell of rain.

11.  The sounds of a 
cheering crowd
as they watch
high school boys play ball.

13. The smell of
pure American oil,
as it comes fresh out 
of the ground.
14. The sounds of 
rustling sacks held by 
as they giggle,
and laugh
and run till they are out of breath
and suddenly
yell out
"Trick or Treat"!
as the door bell is answered.

15. The smell of 
turkey roasting
in the oven,
as part of the 
Thanksgiving feast.

16. The sounds of a crackling
as we gather around
to roast hot dogs
and make s'mores.

17. The smell of fresh cut
wheat fields
for endless miles,
as you drive through
the Midwest.

18. The sounds as the 
engines roar and
the flags flap
in the wind
while the Patriot Guard
surround and honor,
a fallen war hero.
They hum of the engines
drown out
the sound of
the nay-sayers,
and give the family
of the fallen hero, 
peace, comfort
and protection.

19. The smell of leather.
From boots
to baseball gloves, 
from old books
to chaps, 
from new cars
to well-used chairs,
the pungent smell of
leather is 
classic American.

20. The sounds of family.
Husbands and wives.
Sons and daughters.
Special friends.
The blended souls that
bring the melody of 
the American family
to life.

Next week:  Part 4
Foods and Favorites

1 comment:

  1. I tell you what (that's my Hank Hill impression) if I made a favorites things list, I'd have to put your *Why I LOVE America* list on it.
    Great job!
    The Halloween picture is adorable!


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