
Rites of Passage.........

Late spring and early summer are so good about making us step back, throw off all the encumburances of winter, and renew our spirits, minds, bodies and souls. What makes late springtime wonderful at my house?

 A cute cat too...
Watching thunderstorms roll in...

Making cakeballs good enough
that my niece just salivates!
A grandma that turns 96,
still lives on her own
and walks 2 miles per day!
(And that my children LOVE)...

And it goes without saying
flowers and ferns....
And toadstools for the lawn fairies!


And of course....
Opening the pool.
Mix these ingredients together 
you have
a perfect spring..
turning into


  1. I didn't know you were a gardener. Beautiful iris! Let me know next time you thin them. I don't have any white iris in my garden.
    We were in your town last night to pick up some stuff at the trailer. Ate at Palomino. Good stuff!
    I looked for you but didn't see you anywhere. Maybe next time. Or maybe I'll see you today.

  2. Anonymous5/25/2010

    Ahh...another hidden talent you haven't shown us...beautiful garden! Your grandma is AMAZING! Give her a hug for me!!

    Well if I lived in Oklahoma, you'd be sick of me cuz I'd always be coming on over to float in that pool!



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