
Signs, signs, sharing more signs.... And a few letters, numbers and words!

Remember when I said I took pictures of a couple of rooms the other day to show all the numbers, letters and words?  Well welcome to Part Two!
 My kitchen and laundry room are filled with words.  The "Gooch" sign is actually an old feed scooper. It was probably used in a feed store.  My great-grandmother was a Gooch.  I bought this over 30 years ago when I saw it, just because of the Gooch connection. All these years later, and I still like it.
 The sun was shining in on this picture.  Those are the big splotches you see.  Actually it is in perfect condition.  It is in old muted colors.  I move this picture around all the time. Sometimes I don't have it up, and sometimes it gets front and center billing.  
 Another Nell Hill purchase.  I miss being able to spend a Saturday morning shopping at Nell's!  This reproduction sign, on tin, gives the prices for cuts of meat, in French. I love cows.  I have a weakness for all things cow. Must be the Oklahoma in me!

 No, I do not have a two-tone wall.  That is just a shadow from the upper cabinet.  Apparently my photo-taking-skills were particularly wonderful on this day!
 I bought this sign at a junkers shop in Kansas.  It was from an old fruit stand in Horton, Kansas.  It is huge.  It is as wide as my washer and dryer put together.  It is definitely a show stopper.  My African-American friends like it too. Just the sheer size makes it fun to look at.  The fact that it is part of how the nation use to think, makes it special as well. It has not been touched up at all. The colors and the 'dirt' are all original.  There are pencil marks on it as well giving directions to the fruit stand. Apparently someone took notes right on the sign on how to get this sign to where it was going! 

 An old advertisement from an old Lady's Home Journal (March 1921). 
If you look closely you can see that this ad is about "Every young girl's ambition to make the perfect pie."  I love the humor in that.  Was that really every young girl's dream?

I've carried this picture around for years too. It still makes me smile. (Pardon the sun spots shining through.)
(Excuse the sun again.....Well actually, don't excuse the sun, I LOVE the sun, just excuse my poor picture taking!)
 The two pictures above are from a postcard I bought in Switzerland.  ..................Cows and words and bright colors....of course I would love it.

  Fruit crate labels.....

And finally, from a corner of the laundry room...since I did say these were from two rooms..
 See those words on that pizza box?????? ha!  For whatever reason our cat LOVES to sleep curled up in a pizza box that has a whole in the top. (The kind where you can actually see the pizza).

Enjoy your weekend.....


  1. Wow, you do have a lot of signs...me, too. Must do a post on them one day.
    Love your cat.

  2. Anonymous4/17/2010

    I want to come to your house just to read all of your signs but it might take me all day...LOL! In one of your photos, you show a black and white letter tray...is that from Target cuz I have one too. I also bought a new sign this weekend and will post about it soon!



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